another funny!! dementia thing


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
I posted this on another thread but it seems appropriate here. I was trying to show my husband how to use a new remote for a new TV. I was getting frustrated and it was more than his brain could handle. I was worried he was going to get angry, instead he broke out laughing and said. “Do you honestly think I’m going to remember this?” He made me laugh but also gave me a glimpse of who he used to be.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I posted this on another thread but it seems appropriate here. I was trying to show my husband how to use a new remote for a new TV. I was getting frustrated and it was more than his brain could handle. I was worried he was going to get angry, instead he broke out laughing and said. “Do you honestly think I’m going to remember this?” He made me laugh but also gave me a glimpse of who he used to be.
It's lovely isn't it when that happens. My OH rarely says it now but 'dopey man ' was his phrase for decades when he did something wrong or silly.
Very occasionally he will say it and I can see the 'old him '
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Registered User
Jul 17, 2021
This might sound rather sad and poignant. I told my husband that some “nice nurses “ were coming to help me. He looked thoughtful then said,
”are they coming to put me down”.
I just burst into laughter and said to him “ I think you will find that’s is illegal”
Bless him.🥰


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
This might sound rather sad and poignant. I told my husband that some “nice nurses “ were coming to help me. He looked thoughtful then said,
”are they coming to put me down”.
I just burst into laughter and said to him “ I think you will find that’s is illegal”
Bless him.🥰


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
I made the decision a week or so ago that I would buy a new car. The old one was starting to cost a lot of money and had many unhappy memories attached to it so I took the matters into my own hands (scary) and bought a new one. As soon as I bought it, my husband started saying what a lovely car the old one is. Doesn't it run well, isn't it nice looking etc. I was starting to get annoyed because, for me, buying a new car is extremely stressful without his help.

This morning he started with 'is it a brand new car?'. I said no, we couldn't afford a brand new one. He said 'in that case, cancel it. We don't want it.' I was starting to get really angry/upset/frustrated by now. Anyway, today we picked up the new car. All the way there with the old car he kept saying 'isn't this a lovely car, doesn't it drive well, won't you be sorry to see it go?' I kept saying no, I want a new car, I'm having a new car. I'll be glad to see the back of it.

As soon as we picked up the new car, he got in and started to say 'isn't this lovely, doesn't it drive well, what a good choice you made, you must be pleased with yourself'.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I made the decision a week or so ago that I would buy a new car. The old one was starting to cost a lot of money and had many unhappy memories attached to it so I took the matters into my own hands (scary) and bought a new one. As soon as I bought it, my husband started saying what a lovely car the old one is. Doesn't it run well, isn't it nice looking etc. I was starting to get annoyed because, for me, buying a new car is extremely stressful without his help.

This morning he started with 'is it a brand new car?'. I said no, we couldn't afford a brand new one. He said 'in that case, cancel it. We don't want it.' I was starting to get really angry/upset/frustrated by now. Anyway, today we picked up the new car. All the way there with the old car he kept saying 'isn't this a lovely car, doesn't it drive well, won't you be sorry to see it go?' I kept saying no, I want a new car, I'm having a new car. I'll be glad to see the back of it.

As soon as we picked up the new car, he got in and started to say 'isn't this lovely, doesn't it drive well, what a good choice you made, you must be pleased with yourself'.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Oh I do feel for you. Making big decisions on your own when you've always had someone to talk it through with is really tough. My OH doesn't say much these days apart from amusing things or complete random nonsense.

In fact I watched him being sociable at coffee club. The friend he was talking to was talking about planes and their trails and my oh was talking random something , confusing TV and reality. Friends wife and I were laughing , but they were getting on well . Although neither were listening to each other 😂😂

Red Riding Hood

Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
The interesting thing is, they probably both thought they were being listened to by the other! And as you say, it was nice for you to see them getting along. Someone else to listen to all the random, confusing conversation for a change!
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Registered User
Jul 25, 2023
Dad's gem today- I asked if he knows where he is and he just shrugged. I said you're in the hospital. That's what that fella said but it's really the railway station and they've put some hospital beds on the platform to make use of the space overnight.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
I made the decision a week or so ago that I would buy a new car. The old one was starting to cost a lot of money and had many unhappy memories attached to it so I took the matters into my own hands (scary) and bought a new one. As soon as I bought it, my husband started saying what lovely car the old one is. Doesn't it run well, isn't it nice looking etc. I was starting to get annoyed because, for me, buying a new car is extremely stressful without his help.

This morning he started with 'is it a brand new car?'. I said no, we couldn't afford a brand new one. He said 'in that case, cancel it. We don't want it.' I was starting to get really angry/upset/frustrated by now. Anyway, today we picked up the new car. All the way there with the old car he kept saying 'isn't this a lovely car, doesn't it drive well, won't you be sorry to see it go?' I kept saying no, I want a new car, I'm having a new car. I'll be glad to see the back of it.

As soon as we picked up the new car, he got in and started to say 'isn't this lovely, doesn't it drive well, what a good choice you made, you must be pleased with yourself'.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
In addition to this, when we got home he said he wanted to go to bed for a while. When he woke up, his first words were 'so, did you get your new car?.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Dad's gem today- I asked if he knows where he is and he just shrugged. I said you're in the hospital. That's what that fella said but it's really the railway station and they've put some hospital beds on the platform to make use of the space overnight.
Oh don't you just love 'em


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
we were watching New Tricks on telly earlier, when Sandra came on I commented that she looked as if she had something done to her face....cosmetic....aye says my oh..I noticed too....DO YOU WANT SOMETHING DONE TO YOURS/?? don't you just love it ??


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
we were watching New Tricks on telly earlier, when Sandra came on I commented that she looked as if she had something done to her face....cosmetic....aye says my oh..I noticed too....DO YOU WANT SOMETHING DONE TO YOURS/?? don't you just love it ??
😂😂😂What's he planning? Nothing like being blunt😂


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
I made the decision a week or so ago that I would buy a new car. The old one was starting to cost a lot of money and had many unhappy memories attached to it so I took the matters into my own hands (scary) and bought a new one. As soon as I bought it, my husband started saying what a lovely car the old one is. Doesn't it run well, isn't it nice looking etc. I was starting to get annoyed because, for me, buying a new car is extremely stressful without his help.

This morning he started with 'is it a brand new car?'. I said no, we couldn't afford a brand new one. He said 'in that case, cancel it. We don't want it.' I was starting to get really angry/upset/frustrated by now. Anyway, today we picked up the new car. All the way there with the old car he kept saying 'isn't this a lovely car, doesn't it drive well, won't you be sorry to see it go?' I kept saying no, I want a new car, I'm having a new car. I'll be glad to see the back of it.

As soon as we picked up the new car, he got in and started to say 'isn't this lovely, doesn't it drive well, what a good choice you made, you must be pleased with yourself'.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
It is very scary doing things for the first time. For others it may seem easy but when it’s something you’ve never done before it’s stressful and scary.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Yesterday my husband decided to clean the windows inside the house with the wiper blades from the car. Why he though it is was a good idea I have no idea. When he was finished he had no idea how to get the wiper blades back on the car. I’ve never done this before and also had no idea how to attach the wipers back on. I left my husband to play with the car, it was locked and he didn’t have a key, while I tried to find someone to show me how to fix the wipers. My husband came in with the wipers in his hand and proudly announced he had fixed the wipers. Since they were in his hands I was very curious and dreading what he might have done. He had taken hand towels and attached them to the wiper arms. He was very indignant when I told him I wasn’t driving the car with towels attached to the wiper arms.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Yesterday my husband decided to clean the windows inside the house with the wiper blades from the car. Why he though it is was a good idea I have no idea. When he was finished he had no idea how to get the wiper blades back on the car. I’ve never done this before and also had no idea how to attach the wipers back on. I left my husband to play with the car, it was locked and he didn’t have a key, while I tried to find someone to show me how to fix the wipers. My husband came in with the wipers in his hand and proudly announced he had fixed the wipers. Since they were in his hands I was very curious and dreading what he might have done. He had taken hand towels and attached them to the wiper arms. He was very indignant when I told him I wasn’t driving the car with towels attached to the wiper arms.
😂😂😂 Brilliant! Where do they get these ideas from ?


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
My OH always manages to get food on his trousers. I think he has food on his fingers and wipes his hands on them . Table manners are not great these . days. Anyway I commented when undressing him . He told me it wasn't his fault but the plumbers! Usually blames the others that supposedly live here but the plumber? Not that there's been a plumber here in years. Think he must be thinking the usual excuse was wearing thin.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
Yesterday my husband decided to clean the windows inside the house with the wiper blades from the car. Why he though it is was a good idea I have no idea. When he was finished he had no idea how to get the wiper blades back on the car. I’ve never done this before and also had no idea how to attach the wipers back on. I left my husband to play with the car, it was locked and he didn’t have a key, while I tried to find someone to show me how to fix the wipers. My husband came in with the wipers in his hand and proudly announced he had fixed the wipers. Since they were in his hands I was very curious and dreading what he might have done. He had taken hand towels and attached them to the wiper arms. He was very indignant when I told him I wasn’t driving the car with towels attached to the wiper arms.
Oh Bless @Cardinal .
In the UK we have a Halfords store that sells wipers etc for cars. They will fit the new wipers while you wait. I am sure that the US must have similar. (I seem to recall that you are from the US)


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
I was woken just after 7.00 this morning with OH telling me that I had better get up. When I asked why I was told that it would be best if I leave before his parents come home because his mother would be furious if she found us in their bed!! Makes me wonder about OH`s youth - misspent I think!


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
A conversation this morning:

OH: What did we do yesterday?
Me: Not much, we had a relaxing day
OH: So, did we do anything?
Me: Well, I cut and filed your fingernails
OH (looking at his nails): Oh, don't they look good. Where was I when you were doing that?

Errr - on the end of the hands?

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