Another day at the fun factory


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
It started normally and then i got THAT phone call. My sons wife (Both in thier late 50's) told me that she had come home from work to find her husband (my stepson) dead at his computor ( his normal work place) he had apparently a heart attack. In trying to calm her down and not brake down myself, my wife sensed there was something wrong so had to brake it to her as best i could. There, of course, followed lots of question i couldn't answer. Lots of confusion and shock. Then my daughter arrived and by the time she left, it had all calmed down and my wife had forgotten about it. ( sometime this disease has it's good side) Only hope it doesn;t suddenly come back. Another couple of hours like this morning would do for me!!
Don't you just love this life. It decides that one thing ( because one is coping)is not enough so throw something else at you. Cxxxxt i'm tied.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
oh gosh @tonebear
i am so sorry to read this post 😢😢😢😢
There’s no words to give……we’re all here when you need to write ….

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
Oh my dear. What a tragedy to bear,there is no words that can adequately help. Just sending you love and prayers for super human strength and big hugs.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Oh my gosh. That’s terrible. I’m so sorry. Am I understanding this correct? Is this your wife’s son? I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you.


Registered User
May 15, 2021
I am so sorry, that is devastating for you all. As others have said, there are no words with such a tragedy. xxx


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
Thankyou everyone. For myself i feel so very sorry for his wife. The poor girl found him, how she coped with the shock of that lord only knows.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Condolences to you and all the family.
It seems too young to go. Yes, poor widow, So sorry.

Without meaning to be insensitive, I feel that a sudden heart attack is a rather nice way to go - no long pain and suffering - even though its an enormous shock for everyone else.
My father died like that, but he was 87,
I feel that a PWD or similar long term terminal degenerative illness, is a like a living death. I just wish (and I know I shouldn't) it wouldn't go on and on and on.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
Condolences to you and all the family.
It seems too young to go. Yes, poor widow, So sorry.

Without meaning to be insensitive, I feel that a sudden heart attack is a rather nice way to go - no long pain and suffering - even though its an enormous shock for everyone else.
My father died like that, but he was 87,
I feel that a PWD or similar long term terminal degenerative illness, is a like a living death. I just wish (and I know I shouldn't) it wouldn't go on and on and on.
My feeling entirety, I only hope i go the same way when my time comes.