Anger with Dementia


New member
Mar 21, 2024
My husband is very angry he thinks people are stealing from him, his drivers license was just taken away very very upset. And I can’t say anything….. Does anyone have any kind of idea how to deal with this? I truly try not to say anything.. He blames me for it! And No he didn’t except the diagnosis from the dr.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome, sad when violence comes into the equation as a carer and as a man getting beat up by my 4foot 10 and a half inch wife wasn't too much of an issue for me.
Anger can just be a phase he's going through but please stay safe, have a back up plan even if it's just the threat of walking away, the site here will give you the numbers to ring if you need help, take care. K


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Lowrai and firstly welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here and members really do want to help.
I am sorry to read about your husband. It's tough for sure trying to deal with unwarranted, angry outbursts. There is no easy way, even when you know it is the dementia, not your husband.
I am attaching a link which you may find useful, although I am aware it doesn't necessarily cover too much on anger. But you may find it useful for general communication.
One thing I would say though, is, you will never win an argument with a person with dementia, so don't try, because in their mind, they are absolutely right;


New member
Mar 21, 2024
Hello and welcome, sad when violence comes into the equation as a carer and as a man getting beat up by my 4foot 10 and a half inch wife wasn't too much of an issue for me.
Anger can just be a phase he's going through but please stay safe, have a back up plan even if it's just the threat of walking away, the site here will give you the numbers to ring if you need help, take care. K
Thank you for your quick response. My husband has been angry most of the time. If I say anything it sends him over. I’m not scared of him but he has a very bad mouth and is very hateful to the people that live in our home. Thank you again😊


Registered User
Mar 5, 2024
My husband is very angry he thinks people are stealing from him, his drivers license was just taken away very very upset. And I can’t say anything….. Does anyone have any kind of idea how to deal with this? I truly try not to say anything.. He blames me for it! And No he didn’t except the diagnosis from the dr.
Let me share this with you. I use this technique often. It feels counter intuitive if you are being accused of something untrue, but if you begin to mirror their emotions it helps resolve the issue without having to get into confrontation or confuse them further, which can make them distrust you even more.



Registered User
Mar 5, 2024
Thank you for sharing
You're most welcome. I know it's very hard in the moment to not take anything personally or feel like we need to defend ourselves when our loved ones are confused, but this technique has really helped me over the years, I hope it helps a little for you too. x