Alzheimers In the Media


Registered User
Apr 19, 2006
Cheshire, UK.
I do hope you all enjoy the programme. Unfortunately i won`t be around myself to watch it, as dad is going into respite on Saturday and my husband and i are off to Malta (never been) on our own!!! The first time in 30 years, always had family etc tagging along. So it`s going to be really strange......just the 2 of us! Hope we can still converse.....! When dads here he usually answers for my hubby ,so we don`t get chance to talk on our own unless we retreat to our bedroom, which happens more frequently now.

Anyway, i hope you`ll all let me know if it was a good account of A.D???

Love and Light,

Jan. X


Registered User
Mar 13, 2006
hi jan
just wanted to wish you a "happy holiday" sounds like you deserve it, 30 years wow, mums first holiday was in malta she loved the blue grotto.
hope you have a wonderfull time:)


Registered User
Apr 19, 2006
Cheshire, UK.

Hi Donna,

thanks for "Happy Holiday" wishes. I`m really looking forward to it now......having spent most of today feeling guilty , `cos i`m leaving dad with strangers, whilst i`m away! I know when i come back, he`ll put me straight on a guilt trip for leaving him " in this place."
I`ve had 2 good days with dad, but today he`s gone back again, in fact he seemed slightly worse, he was talking as though he was drunk.....excuse the punn, as dad is alchoholic as well anyway. I thought it might be his anxieties about respite?

Anyway Donna, where abouts is the blue grotto in Malta? It might be worth taking a mosey at whilst we`re there.

Grief.....hope dad will be ok, it seems a long time to leave him!! I`m so used to him being with me, in fact i`m just used to having all the family with me! I`m not used to letting go.

Didn`t realise it would be so tiring getting all the stuff together that he`ll need whilst i`m away....AND i forgot to get extra incontinence pads in, thankfully the Dr. sent the district nurse round with some. I have to buy them at the moment and didn`t realise how expensive they were. Dad is being reassessed whilst in respite, so hopefully he`ll have an incontinence nurse after that.

Anyway.......i ALWAYS get sidetracked, i just wanted to say "Thanks" for the good wishes Donna.

Love and light,



Registered User
Mar 13, 2006
blue grotto

hi jan

thanks for reply, just hope the guilt monster goes on another holiday while your in malta:D

if i remember correctly, the blue grotto is a cave and you take a boat trip to get there they probably have excursions, but the sea is so blue hence the name!
my mum couldnt stop talking about it when she got back, they also went to popeyes island where the film popeye was made, i think it was robin williams? who played popeye, and they actually built the film set there.
good luck with the packing:eek:

youve earned this break enjoy it xx


Registered User
Mar 23, 2005
BBC1 One Life Programme

Thanks again to Jan for the advance notice of the programme due to be shown on BBC 1 on Tuesday 9 May.

There is a bit more about this, including the feelings of her daughter, on the BBC News web site:

Take care,



Registered User
Oct 27, 2005
north-east england

Hi Scott im a social worker working with people who have alzheimers and there families if they have them. I think the media does not really represent the issue of alzheimers accurately.I am a admirer of this forum but have only posted once before.I think it comes down to programme writers and i feel they should use the experiences of people who post here after all they are the experts.I just advise my clients on courses of actions they should take purely on a individual basis.


Registered User
May 1, 2006
Thanks for all your help!

I'll make sure I watch that programme tonight before I finish up my essay, which needs to be handed in tomorrow.

Thanks again for all your help and comments, and Jan, have fun in Malta!


Registered User
May 1, 2006
Yay! All Done!

Essay's finished and ready to hand in on Thursday next week :D Thanks for all your help, guys: I based nearly the whole essay on this thread!

Jodie Lucas

Registered User
Dec 3, 2005
alzheimers and the media

Hi Scott

Congrats on finishing your essay, i'm sure it is an interesting read (as will mine be, hopefully).

Good luck with rest of your assessments.



Registered User
Mar 4, 2006
South Wales
Don't forget the Archers

I'm not a soap watcher, myself, but an Archers Addict! Their story line on Alzheimer's involves Jack Woolley (PWD) and his wife Peggy. Both the actors have had experience of a close relative with AD. This story line started, I think, in autumn 2005 and is still running, though not as much now as in the earlier months. I think they are doing a reasonably good job.

Even the documentaries don't always tell it like it is. Some years back BBC2 did a series based on the OPTIMA project at Oxford. It was very interesting, but I was amazed that all the subjects shown had died within a year or two of apparently early diagnosis. Met someone later who explained that these people had been selected because of their early deaths to fit the programme length - or something like that.

There was a very moving portrayal of early onset dementia in a feature film about 20 years ago. Sorry, I can't remember the name of the film, and the name of the actress portraying a University English professor developing dementia is on the tip of my tongue but won't come out! Was it Raymond Massey who played her husband? This was well before it was known that Iris Murdoch had AD.

And of course more recently there has been "Iris", that was on general release rather briefly.

(re wheelchairs - Crossroads may have been the earliest and the Crossroads support scheme was named after it.)

Hope I haven't rabitted on too long.


Registered User
May 27, 2005
pembie said:
And of course more recently there has been "Iris", that was on general release rather briefly.

Yep - an excellent film.

I'm still trying to find "Thanmathra" - an Indian film regarding a family who's dad has AD - from what I can gather it's a film about a man's life and issues, but he also happens to have AD rather than one that focusses on the illness.

Here's a bit of info I found:

Thanmathra (Malayalam:Molecule) (2005) is a Malayalam film directed by Blessy which deals with the effects of Alzheimer's disease on the life of a person. The film bagged five Kerala state film awards for the Best Film, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Screenplay and a special mention for debutant actor Arjun Lal. The title of the film is derived from the analogy of the protagonist's small and alienated role in the society to that of a molecule in a substance.

160 mins. long - and as far as I'm aware, not available in the U.K. - becase when it is, I'll be wanting it.

Anyone hears of anything re this, please let me know.



P.S. Nice to meet you by the way Pembie.



Registered User
Mar 4, 2006
South Wales
pembie said:
There was a very moving portrayal of early onset dementia in a feature film about 20 years ago.

I finally remembered the name of the actress - Joanne Woodward and by "Googling" found the name of the film - "Do You Remember Love" released in 1985.
"Barbara Wyatt-Hollis is an English professor who begins to fall under the effects of Alzheimer's. The film documents her decline and the emotional turmoil it causes for her. It also show how the changes impact her husband, George, and their children. The film also looks at the process by which families can be educated and supported to deal with the impact of the disease, as well what is done for those afflicted"​

The above summary is copied from

The actor playing her husband was not Raymond Massey, but Richard Kiley! So I didn't get much right!

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