Alzheimer’s/Dementia Symptoms


Registered User
Aug 3, 2022
I have been battling with wether to post this today or not because I don’t want to over do asking questions on here and I know and don’t expect answers off anyone I have a neurologist for that. But it is nice to speak to those who have Alzheimer’s or those who are caring for someone with it questions because they are living it .

I just want to ask if anyone else has any of these symptoms that I am sharing of my own. Or do does your loved one have any of these or could you share what their symptoms are with me .

My Symptoms

Not been able to think of simple Words and always trying to find a word and then having to stop in conversation because I can't think of a word. This happens every single day all throughout the day. I am Constantly not able to think of a word I need to use. I will sit and try and try and it just doesn't come to me and I have to give up. It's so frustrating and upsetting feeling so stupid all the time.

Always saying the wrong words. I know what I want to say and when I start to talk I will say a word that makes no sense to what I'm trying to talk about . It's like my brain picks a different word to what I wanted to say. Sometimes I notice I have done it and most the time I don't even notice it anymore and then of course my kids will tell me I said the wrong word , or they will say don't you mean this (right word).

Forgetting everything . Forgetting what I talked about minutes after I was talking. Forgetting when things happens I feel it was yesterday but then I find out it could be months ago or even a year ago. Forgetting what things are called all things like objects, flowers , places everything. Forgetting any appointments made all the time. Forgetting to pay things like bills , Afterpay ect . Can't remember anything someone asks me to do and then they get mad at me for it because I'm always saying "I forgot" can't run a Bath cause I forget it's running. Sometimes I forget to take my top of and undies and get into the bath with them still on, It's all so very frustrating ?

Can't read books anymore because I'll just forget everything I read by the time I get to the bottom of the page. Now I'm starting to get jumbled when even reading one line in anything I'm reading and can't seem to comprehend what I'm reading it's like mumble jumble to me and I will have to then read that same line a few times to let it sink in what it said.

Can watch the same show over and over and still not remember a thing each time. It's like watching it for the first time every time.

Starting to not recognise my own things/belongings and think it's someone else's not mine (that's terrifying to me)

Sometimes I wake at night and forget for a few minutes where the hell I am. I don't know what house I'm in or will think I'm in a house from 10 years ago. (That is also extremely scary and upsetting to me)

I've lost interest in just about every thing I ever loved or enjoyed doing. Just don't feel motivated or seem to care about even going out the house so I don't anymore. I can't find new interests because I just don't care to have any.

Called my granddaughter who lives with us since she was born a different name that we don't even have in the family and burst into tears when I realised I had done it.

I'm forgetting people like my own children who have left home. I just don't think about them until someone mentions them . I feel like I'm forgetting important people in my life and it's devastating to me.

Not been able to add/calculate in my head anymore like I use to. I was always very quick and adding in my head and now can't do that. Most times now I just give up trying.

I feel I'm losing who I am and becoming someone else. It's just horrendous and a feeling of hopelessness. I'm aware of these things and some I'm starting to not even notice anymore and only do because my younger kids point it out to me. I know I'm not right in the head anymore , I know it and it's damn frustrating and makes me feel stupid all the time. I feel so stupid everyday of my life now.

Strangely so, my long term memory is becoming so clear to me that I am remembering things I've not even thought about for 30 years or more. It's quite astonishing to me how well I am remembering things from my childhood.

I forgot how to get out of a coles store that I have known for years and I couldn't remember which way to go to get out of the shop but thank god my daughter was there with me to help me.

We drive past places I do not recognise at all and I'll ask where we are and it will be somewhere we have driven past a thousand times down from our house


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello @Nonnajay.

I have cared for my wife since she was diagnosed some 5 or 6 years ago and she experiences all that you have described.

I think the difficulty with speaking, reading etc., is part of a common symptom called aphasia/dysphasia.

An important thing to remember is that it is likely that your basic nature can still be seen by your friends and family. My wife is buried under the symptoms but I still see her under there! I did a lot of research so can separate the symptoms from the person. I'm sure your loved one's have done this too.

I wish strength to you and yours.


Registered User
Jul 6, 2022
Hello @Nonnajay.

I have cared for my wife since she was diagnosed some 5 or 6 years ago and she experiences all that you have described.

I think the difficulty with speaking, reading etc., is part of a common symptom called aphasia/dysphasia.

An important thing to remember is that it is likely that your basic nature can still be seen by your friends and family. My wife is buried under the symptoms but I still see her under there! I did a lot of research so can separate the symptoms from the person. I'm sure your loved one's have done this too.

I wish strength to you and yours.
I have been battling with wether to post this today or not because I don’t want to over do asking questions on here and I know and don’t expect answers off anyone I have a neurologist for that. But it is nice to speak to those who have Alzheimer’s or those who are caring for someone with it questions because they are living it .

I just want to ask if anyone else has any of these symptoms that I am sharing of my own. Or do does your loved one have any of these or could you share what their symptoms are with me .

My Symptoms

Not been able to think of simple Words and always trying to find a word and then having to stop in conversation because I can't think of a word. This happens every single day all throughout the day. I am Constantly not able to think of a word I need to use. I will sit and try and try and it just doesn't come to me and I have to give up. It's so frustrating and upsetting feeling so stupid all the time.

Always saying the wrong words. I know what I want to say and when I start to talk I will say a word that makes no sense to what I'm trying to talk about . It's like my brain picks a different word to what I wanted to say. Sometimes I notice I have done it and most the time I don't even notice it anymore and then of course my kids will tell me I said the wrong word , or they will say don't you mean this (right word).

Forgetting everything . Forgetting what I talked about minutes after I was talking. Forgetting when things happens I feel it was yesterday but then I find out it could be months ago or even a year ago. Forgetting what things are called all things like objects, flowers , places everything. Forgetting any appointments made all the time. Forgetting to pay things like bills , Afterpay ect . Can't remember anything someone asks me to do and then they get mad at me for it because I'm always saying "I forgot" can't run a Bath cause I forget it's running. Sometimes I forget to take my top of and undies and get into the bath with them still on, It's all so very frustrating ?

Can't read books anymore because I'll just forget everything I read by the time I get to the bottom of the page. Now I'm starting to get jumbled when even reading one line in anything I'm reading and can't seem to comprehend what I'm reading it's like mumble jumble to me and I will have to then read that same line a few times to let it sink in what it said.

Can watch the same show over and over and still not remember a thing each time. It's like watching it for the first time every time.

Starting to not recognise my own things/belongings and think it's someone else's not mine (that's terrifying to me)

Sometimes I wake at night and forget for a few minutes where the hell I am. I don't know what house I'm in or will think I'm in a house from 10 years ago. (That is also extremely scary and upsetting to me)

I've lost interest in just about every thing I ever loved or enjoyed doing. Just don't feel motivated or seem to care about even going out the house so I don't anymore. I can't find new interests because I just don't care to have any.

Called my granddaughter who lives with us since she was born a different name that we don't even have in the family and burst into tears when I realised I had done it.

I'm forgetting people like my own children who have left home. I just don't think about them until someone mentions them . I feel like I'm forgetting important people in my life and it's devastating to me.

Not been able to add/calculate in my head anymore like I use to. I was always very quick and adding in my head and now can't do that. Most times now I just give up trying.

I feel I'm losing who I am and becoming someone else. It's just horrendous and a feeling of hopelessness. I'm aware of these things and some I'm starting to not even notice anymore and only do because my younger kids point it out to me. I know I'm not right in the head anymore , I know it and it's damn frustrating and makes me feel stupid all the time. I feel so stupid everyday of my life now.

Strangely so, my long term memory is becoming so clear to me that I am remembering things I've not even thought about for 30 years or more. It's quite astonishing to me how well I am remembering things from my childhood.

I forgot how to get out of a coles store that I have known for years and I couldn't remember which way to go to get out of the shop but thank god my daughter was there with me to help me.

We drive past places I do not recognise at all and I'll ask where we are and it will be somewhere we have driven past a thousand times down from our house
Hello @noonajay, I have all the symptoms you describe except the word finding one….
Really frustrating & I get upset about it frequently….
really struggle with the practicalities for writing on here…
losing contact with friends as I can’t face the stress of communicating with them
no answers from me but just to let you know I’m the same and struggling daily….
still awaiting final diagnosis but know it’s not actually going to make life any better….


Registered User
Aug 3, 2022
Hello @Nonnajay.

I have cared for my wife since she was diagnosed some 5 or 6 years ago and she experiences all that you have described.

I think the difficulty with speaking, reading etc., is part of a common symptom called aphasia/dysphasia.

An important thing to remember is that it is likely that your basic nature can still be seen by your friends and family. My wife is buried under the symptoms but I still see her under there! I did a lot of research so can separate the symptoms from the person. I'm sure your loved one's have done this too.

I wish strength to you and yours.
Thank you so much for your warm reply ? Much appreciated.

So true what you said about my basic nature can still be seen. To those who don’t see me daily absolutely infact they probably think there is nothing at al marina with except I keep stopping when speaking cause I’ve forgotten by train of thought or I can’t think of a damn word or I’ll spit out the wrong word. But for my four youngest children still living at home (I have 8 children) they see the changes in me and are absolutely marvellous about it. My 12 year old is just amazing with me and is always saying “it’s ok mum it’s not your fault “ when I have called something the wrong name or said the wrong word .

Knowing others have some of my symptoms makes me feel less alone because my humans dismisses there is even a problem with me. He don’t like to even talk about it at all with me and acts like there isn’t a problem with me and that makes it more upsetting for me because I want it to be validated what I’m going through. But my kids are fantastic .


Registered User
Aug 3, 2022
Hello @noonajay, I have all the symptoms you describe except the word finding one….
Really frustrating & I get upset about it frequently….
really struggle with the practicalities for writing on here…
losing contact with friends as I can’t face the stress of communicating with them
no answers from me but just to let you know I’m the same and struggling daily….
still awaiting final diagnosis but know it’s not actually going to make life any better….
Hello sweet, I totally relate with you hun. ?❤️?

I understand what you mean about getting a diagnosis and knowing it’s not going to make life any better. But ina. Way it may help us stop having to wonder al the time and finally have an answe and then to make some changes for ourselves and my first change will be slowing myself to grieve losing myself but to also embrace I’m still a let to know myself right now and help others going through the early stages of it themselves .

I pray you get answers soon hunni. And I pray they arnt this disease and if they are , then your not alone as there is many of us ❤️