Always cold


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
My husband is 76, 6 feet tall and weighs 100 kilos and has Alzheimer’s.
He never use to feel cold, often went without a coat but since diagnosis he constantly feels cold.
At the moment we sleep with a duvet, 2 blankets, 2 hot water bottles. He wears a thermal long sleeved vest, long johns, socks and this morning put a sweater on too!
We have a gas fire on, plus central heating ( dread what the bills are going to be ) and I am sweating!
My first sentence giving his height and weight is so that you don’t think he is underweight and frail/fragile.
My question is this, is the constantly feeling cold a symptom of Alzheimer’s, is the brain’s thermostat faulty?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I think its quite usual for people with dementia to feel the cold @Skylark/2 My husband did and I have read many posts here saying the same.

We needed our heating on during the warmest summer. One day it was so warm I persuaded my husband to sit out in the sun. He wore a fleece and had a blanket over his knees but wanted to go indoors because he was too cold.