After many years absence I am back, it’s dad this time.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
I thought I would do an update..
I hope I am not tempting fate by saying that dads not hallucinated since he came home from hospital. :)

Sadly dad is much weaker , very tired and has a poor appetite , I am going to ask the Gp for Fortsip when he visits next., he now also shows signs of mild sundowning and has begun mixing his words up , understandably he gets annoyed when I don’t understand what he’s asking for

Amongst other things Dad now has a diagnosis of Atrial fibulation .

Rightly or wrongly I have decided not to get dad assessed for dementia as whatever is causing his problems he is high functioning with most things and will pass the tests, I also don’t want to distress him as he knows what the memory tests are for .
The hospital thinks as I do that it’s his old Subdural haematoma putting pressure on part of his brain that may be causing his symptoms. As it’s an old one , the state of dads health now and his age, 95 on the 6th of jan that they are going to leave well alone.
I can’t remember if I mentioned it earlier but I agreed to a DNR when dad was in hospital, I must say the doc who I discussed it with over the phone was very kind and explained everything.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Thank you for your update @lin1.

I’m glad the hallucinations have disappeared and I hope they stay away. It’s good that the doctor you discussed things with was kind and good at explaining things. Thinking of you both.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Thinking of you Lin. It makes sense regarding the testing unless it opens up options for further help. Presumably you are already in receipt of the reduced council tax and attendance allowance. Just remember to try to take care of yourself too. xx


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
Thank you every one.

I am having to relearn old skills . One of them is going to have to be not telling dad things like our cordless hoover needing a new battery . He’s just spent an hour trying to remove the old one, it’s still firmly attached lol . The good thing is, it has given him something to do and helped make home feel useful, it drove me nuts though. Oh I do wish I had the patience of a saint .

A Gp came out Friday, sadly not our usual one who is very nice but more importantly knows dad’s situation, sadly he’s ill I assume Corvid as we are in a high incidence area esp for the quicker to catch one.
So doc C tried to do a telephone appointment, a bit difficult when bp, heart rate needs checking as well as the rash on his legs and swollen legs plus a few other things.
So out he had to come . all dressed up in a reddish tunic and trousers which I assume is colour coded to warn other staff.
Dads water pills sorry can’t spell them has been doubled, yet more anti bs and a different cream for his rash

Dads having loads of cat naps, but wakes up anywhere between 2 and 4 am, it’s a good job I am an insomniac lol. Friday night he was up at 4 am with a nice cuppa some biccies and we watched umpteen much repeated westerns on telly., yawn. This morning he woke at 2am o_O fortunately I managed to persuade him to try to go back to sleep , I put the radio on to our local station so he could listen to that, pretty soon I was gratified to hear soft snores, he woke up at 7:) sadly I didn’t get back to sleep .


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
Looks like dad has picked up a tummy bug, poor thing has been wommiting each time he tries to eat or drink anything. I packed him off into bed where he has slept loads but I have managed to get him and keep down some sips of water.
I hope he’s better tomorrow.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
Thanks everyone.
Dad seems to have gotten over the tummy bug , well at least no wommiting :) . Trouble now is , he doesn’t want to eat. So tomorrow I am presenting him with an earlyish morning cuppa with biscuits and a while later a little bit of breakfast whether he likes it or not.
At least he is drinking now, so I am doing things like adding some cream to his cuppa and when I can persuade him to have a little bit of porridge or his favourite mushroom soup , some cream goes into that too.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
He’s just noticed how thin he’s got over the last few days, hopefully that will be his wake up call and he will start eating today. I think he didn’t want to eat because he hates wommiting
Yesterday I explained that if he didn’t eat he would become malnourished.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
On Christmas Day dad ate a small bowl of porridge, a small dinner minus the stuffing as I thought it might be too rich for his recently recovered tum and a few biscuits with his cuppas.
So naturally I thought we were back to normal.

No such luck

Today we’re back to not wanting to eat but this so he says is in case it makes him sick.
Oh well tomorrow is another day.