Advice on getting mum assessed for NHS continuing care payment please!


New member
Apr 16, 2020
I made the difficult decision to move mum into a care home a couple of months ago. She is currently self funding however I am trying to get her assessed for NHS cc payments. Mum had become increasingly paranoid, anxious and aggressive which prompted my decision to look for a care home. Since moving in there she has had episodes of aggression towards other residents, barricaded herself in her room and threatened to throw boiling water over staff and has launched a few handy objects at them too! When the staff spoke to me about it it transpired they had been, unintentionally, failing to give her her medication to reduce her anxiety and help her sleep. We got this sorted and she has settled down somewhat. She has other additional health needs too which need her medication to be well managed.
Unfortunately her GP and social services refused to get involved in any for of assessment for her as she is self funding. Having looked at the NHS cc Checklist and read the advice booklet from AS I feel she would qualify for continuing care payments. I have approached social services, local care commissioning group and have been signposted to the care home liaison team, who i haven't spoken to yet. The care home said they didn't get involved with this and suggested social services................I feel i'm being bounced around like a rubber ball.....can anyone offer any advice?


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Your mum is entitled to a CHC checklist assessment regardless of whether she is self-funding or not. In my area the CHC process is managed by the Clinical Commissioning Group but if you have spoken to them and they have referred you to the care home liaison team then speak to them to see if they will arrange a CHC checklist assessment. However, bear in mind that it is very difficult to obtain full CHC funding, plus under the current Covid-19 situation and as per the Coronavirus Act, full CHC assessments have been stopped but it seems that a CHC checklist (rather than full CHC assessment) could still be completed:

NHS CHC assessments will not be required and are therefore expected to stop for the duration of the emergency period, in all care settings. This is to enable Clinical Commissioning Groups to release staff to support the new discharge arrangements.

Local systems need to ensure that they have some method of monitoring actions taken during the COVID-19 emergency measures, for example using the CHC Checklist, so that individuals are assessed correctly once business as usual resumes.


New member
Apr 16, 2020
I've spoken to social services and they tried to tell me the CHC payments are for end of life and palliative care only so watch this space.............


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
I've spoken to social services and they tried to tell me the CHC payments are for end of life and palliative care only so watch this space.............

The 'Fast track' CHC process is for those at end of life and these CHC assessments are still taking place so perhaps that is where the confusion has come in?