Advice Needed


New member
Feb 15, 2024
Hello All, I'm looking for some advice please my nan is 89 years old and still lives in her own home, we currently have a falls alarm system in place but unfortunately my nan keeps removing the alarm (wrist watch style) we have tried to communicate that this is for her safety but she has vascular dementia and is unable to retain this information. Does anyone know of any straps that we can swap for one that's not able to be removed, we have also tried the pendant style around the neck. Tia


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hello @k8cradd welcome to the forum

I didn’t get one of these alarms for my dad because I knew he’d either take it off or forget to press it if he fell. It’s very frustrating how dementia defeats every attempt to put safety measures in place!

Some people have used technology to communicate via the internet but that tends to be expensive and have its limitations.

Please keep posting as, even if no one else comes up with a solution for this problem, there is still a wealth of experience and understanding from the people here.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
I think you have two challenges. Getting your loved one to wear the device and also being confident that they would press it if they fell.

The first one might be easier to solve than the second.

Some smart type watches actually register the fall itself but it has to be worn in the first place.

Mum wears her neck pendant.

We now have cameras with mums agreement, usually set to off but can see quickly that she is ok and then all go about our business. The cameras are linked to the NEST device

Good luck x