Advice? Dad won't eat


Registered User
Oct 15, 2009
West Yorkshire
hello all. I haven't posted for a while because all hell broke loose and kept breaking. Six months ago my dad was sectioned on a Section 2 after throwing a chair at the carer and grabbing the steering wheel from my mother when she was driving in the fast lane. It was predictably a devastating experience but anyway he was detained for a couple of months, then went to a care home with EMI unit. Ha. He lashed out at another resident when she tried to touch him (bad idea), so they kicked him out, and if I weren't polite, I'd tell you all which care home it was because they are a disgrace. EMI my foot. Anyway he was then re-sectioned on a section 3 and is now in a very good NHS facility which we - my mother is main carer and we are 4 siblings - are mostly happy with except for one glaring, urgent issue: he won't eat and they aren't making him or succeeding in making him eat. He has lost about three stone in six months, I'd guess, dropped two trouser sizes by June and now two trouser sizes again. My mother goes in nearly every day to feed him eg rice pudding, strawberry milkshakes, chocolate milk. He won't eat much else and has difficulty swallowing solid food. But she is extremely worried. Any suggestions? I've suggested she get some high protein milkshakes eg that bodybuilders and athletes use. If they taste ok, maybe that will help. I'm not quite sure why the NHS unit isn't trying those, but they aren't. All advice gratefully welcomed, as ever, and love and best wishes to everyone touched by this vile condition.

Background: Dad diagnosed several years ago. 72 yrs old. Mother main carer, four children live nearby. Sectioned in April, currently detained as informal patient in NHS assessment unit.


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
I am sorry your Dad has been treated so badly but it sounds like a reasonable Home now.

Has your Dad been referred to his GP and/or Consultant regarding this eating problem? I am sure from that he would be referred to SaLT (Speech and Language Therapist who deals with swallowing difficulties).

When my husband was in a similar state I was present when the Therapist came in. I was watched whilst feeding and my husband's swallowing etc were carefully analysed.

I do think all possible reasons for non eating must be explored, but sadly it may sometime be seen as part of the dementia journey.

Others may come along soon to make their suggestions.


Registered User
Oct 15, 2009
West Yorkshire
Jan, thank you for your message. The NHS staff do usually say that it's part of the disease and more or less shrug. Of course it is, in that he will refuse food, but my mother manages to get food down him so it's not impossible. Anyway I will ask or get my mother to ask about a SaLT consultation. Thanks again -- Rose


Registered User
Mar 25, 2010
Brisbane Australia
A lot of people (my Mum included) have fortisip drinks which are a high calorie thickish type of milkshake. The speech and language therapist for Mum suggested them.
Good luck
missing what has gone and scared of what is to come

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