A lesson to learn from. HMRC saga continues.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
A few weeks ago I posed a question about income tax for my mum. I was given good advice and as suggested I called HMRC. As suspected, they asked me to provide a letter explaining who I was and who mum was and the LPA . I wrote my letter popped in a certified copy of the LPA for finance and trotted off to the post office. My local post offices is wonderful and as soon as the woman at the counter saw the address she said, send it special delivery so that it is signed for ,don’t trust HMRC! Again a wise bit of advice. Here we are two months later and they have lost the letter and not registered the LPA . I was prepared for this and had the reference number , the details of the person who signed for it and the address it was delivered to. Ball is now in their court. 🤷🏼‍♀️ .
Nobody tells us this stuff, it’s a massive learning curve that is exhausting. Keep paper work, log calls, list names, record post and copy emails.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2019
Hi SAP, if you need to send HMRC another copy of the LPA Property and Financial Affairs you can send them a unique online link directly to HMRC so you don't need to obtain/send another certified copy as below:-
NB you are better off using the named person at HMRC and their email address.

The Office of Public Guardian have extended their scheme to obtain an online summary of the LPA for those registered after the 1st January 2016.
To use the LPA online service go to www.gov.uk/use-lpa Once you have created an account by simply entering your email address and an 8 character password of your choice, you will be asked to insert the LPA reference and an “Activation Key”

For LPAs registered on or after 17th July 2020 the Activation Key will appear on the LPA documentation.

For all LPAs registered after 1st January 2016 an activation key can be requested by selecting the option to add an LPA to your account then select "No, I do not have an activation key". After completing your address details the activation key will then be posted to you.

Any problems contact OPG on 0300 456 0300 or email cusomerservices@publicguardian.gov.uk

NB An online LPA Health and Welfare can also be obtained by repeating the process of inserting the appropriate LPA case/reference number on your account, together with your name and address. This may be accepted by a hospital or GP should you need it.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Thanks @Browny10 , I have looked into that.
This is why this forum is so important.
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Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I had to send a letter to Pensions people with proof of life for my husband. I gathered that things were bad when they gave us 16 weeks to reply. Anyway, sent it off requesting signature on delivery.

Firstly, Royal Mail could never give any advice as to whether the letter had been delivered so now I have to keep checking our statements to see if there has been any change to our pensions. And secondly, it took weeks to even to get to the point where I got past the non recognition of the tracking number to where they then had no idea of its delivery or not.

What is happening? Not the Royal Mail I knew.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
My POA is somewhere in Royal Mail 🙈🙈

Sent safely to solicitors - returned by signed for- sent here but I was out So couldn’t sign, I asked for it to go to a PO as thought that was safe - turned up to collect- the man lookEd at me blankly 🙈🙈

so much else going on - it’s retrieval is way down the list 🙈🙈


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I asked for it to go to a PO as thought that was safe - turned up to collect- the man lookEd at me blankly
Locally the option is for 'delivery office' where postmen pick up their mail to take out and deliver.

As you say currently not urgent but still important.

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