A happy moment


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
A happy moment.
We know, better than most, that we live in an unforgiving world. I do not wish to hurt anyone’s feelings, but sometimes it’s hard to escape the conclusion that nothing good or happy ever happens to us. Reviewing my own posts, I would have to say I’m guilty as charged.
To-day I am able to even things up. if only a little.
Visiting my wife yesterday, she said “I think I am beginning to forget things”. I put my arms around her “does it worry you love?” I asked. “Oh no” she said “I usually forget that I’ve forgotten!”
In the great scheme of things not a very humorous moment, but in our lives, it was like great big beautiful firework. The sound of her laughter is still with me. And I wanted to share it.
It would be nice to hear that others have similar moments they would like to share.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2012
Ah that's brilliant gringo, so heartwarming. What a fabulous moment to treasure forever.

Yesterday I left mum in front of 'escape to the sun' while I went to the local shop.

Although I always think there's more going on in her mind than she's given credit for (she's been unable to do anything for herself or verbally communicate to any extent for over 3 years and sleeps much of the time) I imagine her understanding of tv programmes to be very limited but she does look at the pictures.

Anyway on my return, as I went to give her a hug and say 'Hello how're you doin - ' she cut me off with a 'shush!' not talking her eyes off the screen - evidently engrossed in the Spanish countryside!

That told me! I can't remember the last time she ordered me to 'sh' so I was absolutely delighted to be told off!! More please mum.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2013
Gringo, how lovely. It is these moments we must treasure.

My father who is in the very final stages of his life, is having rare lucid moments and when I said that everything that should be done had been, he replied with yes- except buying a Maserati! I fear it may be a bit late now, but so great that some of his sense of humour is still there.



Registered User
May 10, 2010
A happy moment. Visiting my wife yesterday, she said “I think I am beginning to forget things”. I put my arms around her “does it worry you love?” I asked. “Oh no” she said “I usually forget that I’ve forgotten!”
In the great scheme of things not a very humorous moment, but in our lives, it was like great big beautiful firework. The sound of her laughter is still with me. And I wanted to share it.
Thanks for sharing that happy moment, Gringo. It would lift your spirits so much.

May there be more....

We have good and bad visits, we all know them. Although the bad ones make me feel unhappy and sad, it is those moments of lucidity, awareness, that I hang on to and can clearly recall them. I am deighted to catch a glimpse of my husband as he was, be it ever so brief, delighted that he is smiling or laughing, and long afterwards they make me smile. Precious.

Loo xx


Registered User
Sep 7, 2012
Lovely moment Gringo. I'm so glad to read about it. X

I have many moments with Mam, disconcerting when you're in the middle of makey-up stuff...to meet the person again.

It's what helps me to remember her.
The gaps grow longer but she throws me a fish every now and then that reminds me of the delicious, complicated person that she once had a full grasp upon.

Family faithful's come trumpeting out....
'You're that sharp you'll cut yourself'.

But the best, she says it so often so I will not be modest and not say it...
'You were always bonny and kind but you're a bad-tempered little Minx'.
she always adds...'Like your Aunty Sylvia'.... Dad's Sister.

I love to hear it. X