36 yr old Caregiver to 94 yr old grandmother - need best practices

Is it better to...?

  • be constantly correcting her, repeatedly reminding her, etc

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Registered User
Sep 6, 2013
Hi Everyone,

This is my first time here, but it looks like it's full of support and resources.

My cousin Chris and I are POAs for Nan, all of us living in Toronto. Nan has two useless daughters living in Florida and Vancouver.

My cousin and I are around 40ish - I work, Chris is unemployed and is not looking for work because he spends 40-60 hours per week caring for Nan and wouldn't be able to work around the erratic timing of the duties related taking care of Nan.

We need help finding proven and trustworthy approaches to get the best quality of life for Nan, a set of pest practices to result in her retaining the most dignity and independence and peace, possible. However, what I struggle with is "which is true?"... how do I know what to believe?

Very open to recommendations from all of you who have gone before me, as I follow in your footsteps. I'm sincerely looking to learn from all of your experience and advice.

I leave you with a question: is it better to constantly "correct", remind and point out her mistakes or do I play along, ignore or manipulate, put plainly, essentially treating her like a child? Keep in mind I want what's BEST for her, not what's easiest on me.

I look forward to meeting all of you.



Registered User
Sep 6, 2013
You're an angel

Good morning Jaime and welcome to TP. I wondered if you would find this thread helpful -

forum.alzheimers.org.uk/showthread.php?30801- Compassionate-Communication-with-the-Memory-Impaired

Thank you so much for that! It was exactly what I was looking for! This should be the landing page for the website, it's so useful!

Much appreciation!

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