21 year old carer


New member
Jan 5, 2024
When I was 17 my mum was diagnosed with a form of early onset Alzheimer's called PCA. She was 56 at the time. I have struggled with finding people my age who are also going through a similar thing.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @ClareMJ and welcome, although sorry to hear of your situation, such a young age for your mum to be diagnosed and for you to take on a carer role. I hope that you have some support from family members, friends or professional carers as caring for someone with dementia is such a hard thing to deal with, both mentally and physically, particularly if you are on your own. This is a great place for getting friendly support from people who understand, and there are other younger carers here too who will hopefully reach out to you, but if there is anything specific that you'd like to talk about please post to let us know as there is a lot of shared experience here and people are happy to help.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Welcome to the site, you'll find a lot of help and support on here.
My wife got early onset az too and it got so bad that we/I packed the youngest of our children off to live with his big sister 100 and odd miles away in Newcastle, he was 16 at the time.
Living with someone with AZ isn't easy on anyone, when it's a parent must be so hard at a young age.
Our daughters been our youngest childs "mum" for more than half his life now and she's only 6 years older than him, she's made a pretty good job of it too, breaks my heart just thinking about what he had to put up with before the move and after for them both.


New member
Feb 19, 2024
When I was 17 my mum was diagnosed with a form of early onset Alzheimer's called PCA. She was 56 at the time. I have struggled with finding people my age who are also going through a similar thing.
hi clare i’m the exact same, im 17 and my mums got dementia would love to chat !!!


Registered User
Apr 20, 2024
Hi. My (ex) husband has Early onset dementia. He is 56 I am 44 and our daughter is 5yo. We have been separated for 2 years. Just before the diagnosis. We get on very well and he has the care of our daughter 3 days a week. Recently he is getting worse and the little one is getting reluctant to spend time with him .. she is also very protective of him and doesn't want me to tell him she is not keen to go. I am worried that at such a young age she is already taking responsabilities she should not have.... Anyone gone through this with such a young child and keen to share their experience? Feeling quite overwhelmed and worried . Thank you


New member
May 30, 2024
When I was 17 my mum was diagnosed with a form of early onset Alzheimer's called PCA. She was 56 at the time. I have struggled with finding people my age who are also going through a similar thing.
Hi, I’m 21 years old and my dad has been diagnosed with early onset dementia he is now 64. I have also struggled to find other my age going through the same thing. Please give me a message.


New member
Mar 13, 2024
Hi, I’m 21 years old and my dad has been diagnosed with early onset dementia he is now 64. I have also struggled to find other my age going through the same thing. Please give me a message.
Hi! I’m 22, my mum was (officially) diagnosed start of this year with frontotemporal dementia but she’s been showing symptoms since I was in my late teens. It’s so tough not having anyone else who really understands it. My messages are always open :)


New member
Mar 13, 2024
Hi! I’m 22, my mum was (officially) diagnosed start of this year with frontotemporal dementia but she’s been showing symptoms since I was in my late teens. It’s so tough not having anyone else who really understands it. My messages are always open :)
Same to you @ClareMJ (I’m still getting used to using the forum lmao). My mum was 54 when she diagnosed, and I was 22.