2021 annual survey - the results are in!


Staff Member
Mar 29, 2021
Hi everyone,

I’m very excited to share the results of the Talking Point user survey with you! A huge thank you to the over 500 (506 to be exact) members of the community who completed the survey!

We were very pleased with the results, with a number of our key metrics remaining high (despite all the challenges the pandemic brought) and some even improving. Within the report you will see a breakdown of member satisfaction with the service, including how it has helped members and if they would recommend it, as well as the demographics of our members, including a breakdown of the genders, ages, sexualities and ethnic groups of the community.

Key insights include:

-92.5% of respondents said they were very likely or fairly likely to recommend the service to others. This figure was 92% in the last survey (2018) and 87% in 2017.

- According to the respondents, Talking Point helped most people with answers to questions about dementia (53.9% of respondents), feeling less isolated and more connected to others (53.2%) and allowing them to share their experiences and receive understanding from others (47.4%).

There were also lots of really great quotes, but one that particularly stuck with me was:

“It is like having a refuge, a place where you can speak freely about how you are feeling. Doesn't matter what time it is, there is always a helpful or sympathetic reply, I felt less alone.”

Once again, a huge thank you to all of you who took the time to fill in the survey and letting us know what works well and what we can improve on! I’ve attached the full report, and we’d love to know you think. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or feedback on any part of the report.


  • Talking Point 2021 User Survey .pdf
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