Our 2022 Annual Survey - The results are in!


Staff Member
Mar 29, 2021
I am very excited to share the results of our 2022 Dementia Talking Point User Satisfaction Survey with you all!

We analysed the data of over 500 (506 to be exact) members of the Talking Point community with the results being very positive, with a number of our key metrics remaining high, including 9 out of 10 users finding the service helpful and 89% saying they would recommend it to others! We found many members saying how it made them feel less isolated, how talking to people made them feel reassured and less lonely and how the information made them understand dementia better and find solutions to challenges.

The survey also gave us areas of improvement we can take in the service such as reviewing the forum layout, additional guidance in navigation and replying to posts, and better promotion of other services.

There are lots of great quotes from members within the report, but one that particularly stuck with me was:

“I felt there was no other help out there, most people ( sadly, often, including doctors) run to the hills at the mention of Alzheimer’s! This forum offers kindness, support, practical answers from those who know.”

A huge thank you to all of you who took the time to fill in the survey and letting us know what works well and what we can improve on! I’ve attached the report, and we’d love to know you think. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or feedback on any part of the report.


  • The Dementia Talking Point 2022 User Survey report.pdf
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