2 more nights before my first respite


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
It's nearly here. There is so much to say but I am too tired to try. The sitters are all in place and I have written out details for each sitting time. I have requested that the night sitter(s) are more clinical as they are to promote rest and sleep to a probably confused and anxious Alan. Alan met the night sitter today and they got on really well.

I am really looking forward to having a 'care free' 3 days and 2 nights and I hope respite does what it says on the tin:rolleyes:
I have booked a B&B in Derbyshire with Alan's daughter. I can't imagine feeling guilty but I will let you all know if I do;)


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I can`t wait to hear how you`ve got on Helen. It`s like waiting for your child to come home after the first day at school. :)

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Helen think it is wonderfull that you ar sharing your respite with Alan's daughter, hope Derbyshire lives up to my expectations for you, and Alan will be fine, wish i could join you love pam


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
Kick that guilt monster to the curb Helen. You've done everything humanly possible to make this work, so now is the time to let go - what will be will be.


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
Helen Enjoy..

we all know how hard it is, many (me) haven't managed to go there yet.. but we will when the time is right.. (well I will)


Registered User
Jan 25, 2009
Dear Helen

Enjoy your break,hope you get nice weather and i hope all goes well for Alan with the sitters,take care Marian xx


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello Helen:
You have put so much into this you WILL enjoy it. I am sure the weather will be fine and you will find the hills and countryside of Derbyshire very relaxing.

I want to hear every detail when you get back! :)
Love Jan

jackie place

Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
eccles manchester
Hi Helen

Hope thatyou have a good rest and enjoy yourself I will be waiting to hear how you spent your time and How Alan went on with the sitters as I am hoping for a break next month love jackie x x x


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
You are all so kind - it really helps keep the spirits up. I will actually miss you and be wondering what kind of mischief you are all up to whilst I'm away:D

I know this is going to sound really odd (probably really sad) but actually TP is respite for me. It really does provide a break, a release at times of all kinds of emotions, and fun and laughter.

If I was asked to advise someone new to caring for someone with dementia about whether to first have actual respite or have TP, I would first recommend TP because it can be daily. I need it daily. In fact it's TP that has equipped me for actual respite and I know that without TP I would not be able to enjoy it as much as I will. Does that make sense to anyone or am I going totally off the wall?


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Quote Helen
Does that make sense to anyone or am I going totally off the wall?
It makes sense to me too. Without TP I would never have got round to having a carer in the home nor would I be thinking about respite care for myself.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Cumbria uk
Hi Helen, no your not going off the wall we all know how much we get from TP, me very much included.
You have worked so hard to get all your at home help for Alan, now its your turn, enjoy your weekend, I look forward to hearing all about it.

Love Lynn :):):)


Registered User
Oct 1, 2006
Hi Helen
Have a great weekend.

We have only two days left of John`s respite and so far it has been alot better than last year.
Although he keeps asking when he`s coming home he is not distressed like last year,and he is even finding his own way to the toilet.
Painting the doors yellow must work.

I must admit it has been strange without him but I am starting to feel better and at last my headache has gone.

Enjoy your weekend we went to Bakewelll and Mattlock on Monday and had a lovely time.
Love Roseann x


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Thank you Roseann. I didn't realise that John had been in respite before. It is good that he is more settled this time. Someone in our carers group was talking about painted doors and their effect!!

I love Matlock and Bakewell and all Derbyshire I think.

Enjoy your last few days.

Love x