Goodbye my love .... John died today


Registered User
Aug 22, 2009
We had two robins on the bird table and so I was thinking of you - but I have never seen more than two together. You witnessed something special.

I hope you were able to read the eulogy as you wanted to and that today went as you hoped it would. x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Wow. The robins sound amazing. How very special for you on today of all days.

I hope everything went as you wanted it to. x


Registered User
Mar 13, 2014
Scarlett hope today went as you hoped and planned and you were supported by your family and friends. You must be totally exhausted and mentally drained now it is over. Be kind to yourself and take things easy. x

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Registered User
Jul 10, 2011
Horsham, West Sussex
The robins sound amazing! I have been thinking of you today and hope all went as you had planned. You must be so tired and drained. Take very good care of yourself now xxx


Registered User
Aug 8, 2012
I hope it went well Scarlett and I hope you aren't too worn out.

I love the robins in your garden, beautiful.

I was never really sure of 'signs' before but before my wonderful aunt died (mum's sister) she told me she wouldn't leave me. When mum's dementia pushed me to the point of despair I started finding little white feathers. In my car, on my clothes, in pockets. The morning I had to drive mum to the care home I went to pick mum up and as she opened her door there on her jumper sat a tiny pure white feather. It made me feel like everything would be ok.

John is with you and always will be. Just like my angel is.

Lots of love Scarlett xxx


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
After the robins, I opened the newspapers and out fell a condolence card from the newsagents - that made me cry. When the cortege arrived, I walked out, head high, in brilliant sunshine. My son rang the Care Home, when we were one minute away, and there were 9 staff outside, even the cook, the handyman and the cleaner - and that made me cry too. Then as the hearse moved off, they blew kisses, and one carer blew bubbles - John loved West Ham.

Whilst waiting at the gates of the Crematorium, I realised that I couldn't remember John's name, let alone any of a 15 minute speech. So, having a very vivid imagination, I decided I was no longer Scarlett, but Dame Helen Mirren (!) and that I was in a film, playing the part of a widow, giving the Eulogy, and boy, I was going all out to get that Oscar - and it worked. :)

I lost it a bit at the end when I thanked John for loving me, and for nearly half a century of joy, but I fought through it, said thank you - and the entire congregation, including the celebrant and the organist, stood up and applauded.

Alan, the celebrant, was so complimentary and, amazingly, I never looked at either the speech, or the crib sheet, where I had put key words. Everyone said they didn't know how I did it - and actually nor do I. I've been on autopilot and I still am.

Do you remember me posting about the "liars" who had received a Conscience Christmas Card from me, who I subsequently phoned, and they said they had planned to write in the New Year, but they would be at the funeral? Like I'm going to believe that. The natural thing would have been to send a card back, and write on that any New Year plans.

Well not only did they not materialise, they didn't even phone to say they wouldn't be coming after all. I will not spend another second thinking about them.

Everyone else was there, and some that I hadn't expected from different Day Centres. We had 50 at the service and 41 came back for refreshments, and apart from 5 cream cakes, a few crisps, and some chicken wings, everything went. I didn't have a thing, apart from several cups of coffee and a Bailey's.

Now I will concentrate on my hospital visit tomorrow, enjoy Elvis at Graceland at the 02 on Friday, with my son, and take stock of things, step by step. There are no words to describe the warmth I felt from my invisible, supportive and loving friends here on TP - you have all been amazing, and I am humbled by your kindness.

John and I are now concentrating on giving our wholehearted support to Lyn and Pete for Friday, and our prayers for them both. Nobody but a carer knows what another carer goes through. I pray for those who are still being cared for, and their carers and I hope that those who have passed are having a damn good party Up There with John. :)


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Scarlett I'm lost for words other than you are a true star. xx

Sent from my iPhone using Talking Point mobile app


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
Yea Lady, I knew you could do it, love gives us the strength to surpass boundaries.

I wish you peace and tranquilly for the coming days. xx


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
Echo izzy. I'm lost for words. I so want and wish to be eloquent
I Keep writing and deleting.....

Holding you tight xxxxx

Sent from my iPhone using Talking Point


Registered User
Aug 8, 2012
Scarlett, you made me smile and brought me to tears in just a few sentences.

As my daughter would say "you rock!" You did John proud xxx

As for those disrespectful individuals who didn't even have the common decency to drop you a line, you do right to forget them!


Registered User
May 10, 2010
I am also lost for words, and full of admiration for you, Scarlett. You said you would do it, and you did. As Helen said:


Yea Lady, I knew you could do it, love gives us the strength to surpass boundaries.
How true.

Wishing you continued strength in the time ahead, and peacefulness.

With love
Loo xx


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
Fantastic, Scarlett, well done today :)

You are a true star, and an inspiration.

Wishing you peace and strength in the days to come :)

Lindy xx

PS And enjoy Elvis at Graceland with your son :D


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Well done Scarlett.
As a friend of mine says, another hurdle safely cleared. But there will be more in the dark days ahead, so we will all still be here! For the moment though, it's time for a well deserved rest and the making of special memories with your son.


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
It is a privilege to know you Scarlett. Thank you for sharing your amazing day with John and everyone. I am so glad the sun was shining on you - just as it should be. The TP Support Tower is as strong as ever, as you will know, so lean this way whenever you feel the need. Onwards, dear girl! X Love as always Shelagh :)