How do you cope?


Registered User
Jun 12, 2016
Lincoln, UK
Have just returned from seeing mum and, like @canary said, wore my happy smiley face. Mum responded accordingly even though she has a tummy upset. She drifted between lucid and what I know call "Ena's World". (mum is called Ena). She has conversations with this other Ena and I wonder who she thinks she is. She tried to tell me something but couldn't and said she was "stupid". Well I wasn't having any of that and told her she most definitely was not stupid and made her chuckle by recounting something Ide done a few years back that WAS stupid! She doesn't know but this afternoon her only remaining sister and hubby are on their way from Norwich and are visiting later. Of nine children, just mum, her sister and one brother remain. My aunt is not just mum's sister, she is her best friend too. She is 85 and her husband is 96 and sharp as a knife. That will cheer mum up no end! Sorry, I've rambled on! Sending love and hugs as always to my dear TP friends. What would I do without you? x

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