
Jacqui Cullingh

Registered User
Jan 3, 2017
Hi All

My mother sleeps or at least sits with her eyes closed for most of the day she does have disrupted nights but there is no pattern to her sleeping behaviours. Is there any suggestions to this like trying to keep her awake. My father is 81 and caring for her and I think he just lets her sleep.




Registered User
Dec 10, 2013
Hi Jacqui, my Mum is 6/7 year post onset and now sleeps about 11 pm to 12 noon, gets up and is often snoozing again by 2.00 pm for a couple of hours or more. Dad is main Carer still but he is age 83 and I think he chooses to let her sleep as it is easier for him(he has own health problems). I ran it past GP and they told me it wasn't unusual to sleep a lot as the disease progresses. The main concern we have is that she doesn't get her morning medications until after lunch and is having her evening ones only a few hours later. Mum does sometimes have disturbed nights but as she is otherwise content, we don't force her to remain awake.

Other TP members have different thoughts and I would be interested also to see what thoughts they have.


Jacqui Cullingh

Registered User
Jan 3, 2017
Many thanks Janey

Hi Jacqui, my Mum is 6/7 year post onset and now sleeps about 11 pm to 12 noon, gets up and is often snoozing again by 2.00 pm for a couple of hours or more. Dad is main Carer still but he is age 83 and I think he chooses to let her sleep as it is easier for him(he has own health problems). I ran it past GP and they told me it wasn't unusual to sleep a lot as the disease progresses. The main concern we have is that she doesn't get her morning medications until after lunch and is having her evening ones only a few hours later. Mum does sometimes have disturbed nights but as she is otherwise content, we don't force her to remain awake.

Other TP members have different thoughts and I would be interested also to see what thoughts they have.


Thank you for the reply Janey. I think my father does the same with my Mum in letting her sleep as it is the easy option. Can be troublesome I see with the medication. Thanks again for the advice it is most welcome.



Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
Hi Jacqui
a warm welcome to TP
my dad sleeps/rests much more than he did - and often just sits in his chair and 'stares into space' - looking at the residents in his care home, many of them snooze a lot, and the ones who have been there a while are resting much more than they did, too
with dad, he just can't always handle the stimulation of people around him moving, talking - so he goes to his own room and sits on his own, either watching TV or listening to music with his eyes closed
it seems that the effort of making some sense of the world just takes a lot of energy and leads to tiredness
if I try to engage dad in something when he's tired, it just leads to anxiety and agitation as he cannot cope - he's happier with me just being around and quietly sitting with him
so if you don't think there's a concern eg an infection, your father is probably doing what's best for both of them
best wishes