another funny!! dementia thing


Registered User
Jan 27, 2020
As i was getting piglet ready for bed tonight, I told her that I would wash her top tomorrow, so we would not hang it on a hanger for morning as we usually do,. She said " you are funny, just like Tony ( thats me) he is always washing my clothes". I don't have the heart to ask who she thinks she talking too. I'm too afraid it may trigger an outburst of severe confustion and I don't want that at bed time or any other time. But I would dearly love too know. It can be quite entertaining to hear what she thinks I would do, from the perspective of her telling someone else about me.
She also seems to think I am a recent addition and have not been here as long as she has. Very strange.
Sorry I don’t find anything amusing about these things after I had 2 yrs of it. Now in a care home he sometimes asks for his Mum and Dad. He is 84


New member
Mar 14, 2024
Just a sudden thought reading this. Turn TV off at the mains and tell him its a power cut. Yes i know i'm mean.
We have to watch endless episodes of Emergency Helicopters….must have seen them all dozens of times but it’s more entertaining than BBC News…..thank you for sharing and knowing we are not alone


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
My husband currently hates our washing machine for some reason. He complains it takes too long to do a load even if he has no idea of when I put the washing in. The other day he said I should use the 'other' machine. I asked him which one - he pointed to the oven.

I suppose it would make the washing easier.
i had to smile with the picture that conjures up, washing clothes in an oven at the same time as cooking dinner with the heat drying the washing. only need one machine!! sorry overactive imagination. :) 🌻


New member
Mar 14, 2024
Oh @maggie6445 this is so much like my OH. He often gets into bed then says he needs the toilet but doesn't know where to go. I have to get up (again) and put the light on so he can see the toilet. He often wakes in the morning and says, sadly, that we have to go home now and he doesn't want to go. As soon as I say we are at home he brightens up. He can dress himself in the morning but not later on if we change to go out or after a bath. He certainly can't/won't undress himself for bed.
Hello…I was interested in your can’t/won’t dress or undress. It was great when we had carers but he told them to go away and he was assessed as knowing his own mind and capable of making his own decisions. If I try to encourage him to try to wash or dress himself he can then turn on me and say I won’t help or I don’t care. I’m at my wits end most of the time so it’s good to know there are so many people out there going through the same scenarios


New member
Mar 7, 2023
After weeks of defending my sister every time Dad accuses her of stealing his money I gave up and tried another tack. I told him not to worry as she has hidden it under her mattress so we can get it back when he needs it. He said "Oh ok, that's fine then" and hasn't mentioned it since. 🤦‍♀️ Wish I'd tried that sooner.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
My husband currently hates our washing machine for some reason. He complains it takes too long to do a load even if he has no idea of when I put the washing in. The other day he said I should use the 'other' machine. I asked him which one - he pointed to the oven.

I suppose it would make the washing easier.
Is It noisy or does it vibrate a lot? Maybe he's sensitive to sound or touch. My grandson is Asperger's and some machines are too noisy ! He can hear the , supposedly silent ,cat carers I have in the garden


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
After weeks of defending my sister every time Dad accuses her of stealing his money I gave up and tried another tack. I told him not to worry as she has hidden it under her mattress so we can get it back when he needs it. He said "Oh ok, that's fine then" and hasn't mentioned it since. 🤦‍♀️ Wish I'd tried that sooner.
🤣🤣Well done for being inventive


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Sorry I don’t find anything amusing about these things after I had 2 yrs of it. Now in a care home he sometimes asks for his Mum and Dad. He is 84
I'm sorry you can't see the humour. I'm in year 4 and frankly it's the humour that keeps me sane.
My oh needs 24 hr supervision and regularly doesn't know me and hallucinates. He time shifts as well so I don't exist .
If I couldn't laugh I'd go mad .


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Is It noisy or does it vibrate a lot? Maybe he's sensitive to sound or touch. My grandson is Asperger's and some machines are too noisy ! He can hear the , supposedly silent ,cat carers I have in the garden
This is quite a recent thing - probably the last two weeks. The machine is no worse than any other washing machine. I don't like to remind him that he chose it.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Sorry I don’t find anything amusing about these things after I had 2 yrs of it. Now in a care home he sometimes asks for his Mum and Dad. He is 84
After 7 yrs full time caring for my OH I find I have to find the amusing, otherwise sanity is challenged!.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Like Chizz says, first 10 years are the worse, you have to learn to live in their world when they can't live in ours. K


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
sense of humour is vital to managing the caring. you are laughing with them, not at them. im only into 5 years into it so a novice to some but its a release, good for mental health and makes for sharing.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
When you're not laughing you're crying, personally I prefer to laugh, two times loser, wife then mum, only the people who post on here gave me hope when the going got tough.
Missing being a hands on carer more than you might think cyber carer still helps me. K


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
OH’s daughter visited yesterday while with us her partner sent her a photo, he was at his parents house - photo is of 6 bananas all IN the toaster, and they had names written on them!!! His mother doesn’t have dementia but OCD and at the moment some delirium.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Everyone deals the the stress of caring for someone with dementia differently. For me I try to find the humor in things. This thread is one of my favorites on this site. Even on my worst days I can usually find something someone has posted to make me smile.

For me it’s all in how you look at things. When my mom, who deceased years ago, would think I was her mother or sister, I didn’t get upset, I took it as a compliment. Although her brain could no longer recognize me as her daughter she did know I was someone she loved.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
This afternoon/evening got interesting ( Chinese proverb "may you live in interesting times"), my beloved piglet, when i started preparing dinner, said "you will do enough for my husband wont you". Well i thought go along with it. So i said "Yes of course". Piglet said " he's gone out for a bit probably to visit his sister or maybe to visit Sally's ( our neighbour / friend/helper) foal" This went on for some time and being told how good he was but that he was getting old and could do with looking after a bit (tell me about it) all of this while taking to me ( her husband of 44yrs). I let this go on up to and over dinner. But then she began to make a small pile of her dinner on her plate, when asked what was the matter, she said "i'm saving some for my old man when he comes back". At that point I had to tell her that I was her husband and the other one did not exist. Did it as gently as possible but she still looked absolutely bereft/lost. So big hugs and loving words, seemed ok. Time will tell. Probably all forgotten by tomorrow. Wish i could forget so easily.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@tonebear , my OH had started leaving small amounts on his plate. I took him to the opticians as I thought he might have a sight issue. The optician said all looked good so the next time he left some food I asked him why. He said he was saving some for the other lady to try. I went in the kitchen and returned asking about the food. He told me he was saving it for me! I said I'd had mine and he could finish it, which he did.

If I've been out of the room he often asks if I'm staying now and if the other lady has gone home. He doesn't seem to notice I'm the same person.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
My husband helped me prepare breakfast the other day. We had tinned black cherries with yoghurt which we both love. When I had finished preparing his, he put it on the table then I prepared mine. As I sat down he said 'I wonder who prepared this. It looks lovely'.

A couple of days ago I asked him how many people lived in our house. He says there are three.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
My husband helped me prepare breakfast the other day. We had tinned black cherries with yoghurt which we both love. When I had finished preparing his, he put it on the table then I prepared mine. As I sat down he said 'I wonder who prepared this. It looks lovely'.

A couple of days ago I asked him how many people lived in our house. He says there are three. oh thinks there's three as well. Except when we go out, he always asks if the others are coming too. I think he's seen our reflections in the mirror and thinks there's another couple.
He often smiles and thumbs up at his reflection


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
What a sad bunch we are. In a normal world we'd be locked up. Keep smiling, it doesn't get any better but what else can you do.