What does it mean?


New member
Mar 31, 2024
I am looking for some help and advice on a recent development in my Dad's care.
For background, Dad has vascular dementia, diabetes and has a pacemaker fitted. He has been in and out of hospital since May 2023. His most recent stay has been since Jan 2024. Whilst in hospital he has had treatment for osteomyelitis (infection of the bone) and had surgery on a foot ulcer. He has had infection after infection but does not seem to be improving.
Since 23rd March he has been on oxygen and sleeps a lot of the time, there has been difficulty in waking him also.
Today we received a phone call from a doctor to say it is in their professional opinion to not continue with antibiotics once his treatment finishes tomorrow. They also will no longer administer antibiotics.
What does this decision mean for Dad?


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
I’m not a dr but from experiences with a relative many years ago my understanding is that they will no longer treat the infection issues but will keep your dad comfortable and pain free. His body may well fight the infection but it sounds doubtful. I’m so sorry that you are at this point. Unfortunately with dementia there is no rule book so the outcome is unpredictable but the drs sound like they have reached a decision in your dads best interests.
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Registered User
May 5, 2019
Hopefully he will be allowed to die with dignity instead of prolonging an inevitable end.

Stay strong.


New member
Mar 31, 2024
Thank you for your reply.
One of the hardest parts of this horrible disease is not knowing how long each stage is.
so withdrawing antibiotics does this now make him on pallative care or would that only be once another infection takes hold and his body cannot fight it?
i appreciate the support and guidance from this community
I’m not a dr but from experiences with a relative many years ago my understanding is that they will no longer treat the infection issues but will keep your dad comfortable and pain free. His body may well fight the infection but it sounds doubtful. I’m so sorry that you are at this point. Unfortunately with dementia there is no rule book so the outcome is unpredictable but the drs sound like they have reached a decision in your dads best interests.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Louise38 welcome to the forum but sorry to hear about your dad. You mentioned in a previous thread that he is currently in hospital and his discharge to a nursing home was being discussed, so I hope that he will be discharged soon. My mum is also late stage and this stage can last for a long time so I can't really offer much advice I'm afraid, we are just taking it a day at at time and at the moment mum is doing OK and is better than she was during her last hospital stay. My understanding is that palliative care is something that can be put in place long before 'end of life' but as mentioned above, dementia doesn't come with a rule book or handbook so it may be helpful to speak to the doctor to ask for an honest opinion about your dad's condition. I hope that he is being kept comfortable and pain free, and you may find the following resources useful as they explain end of life and palliative care: