Weekly ramblings of a proud son.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I love reading your posts @LPT. They are positive and chatty and I think everyone would appreciate someone who is so able to repair and sort everything that goes wrong.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2024
@Grannie G
Thank you! I struggle a little with my spelling and grammar. Typing messages here helps me stay positive. It all too easy to get caught in a negative and moaning mindset... But we only get one go at all of this so we may as well do it with a Smile!


Registered User
Feb 3, 2024
Even if they put it wrong in the first place?
Heyyyyy thats not fair! 😆 I didn't exactly put it wrong I was trying to replace a tap that had been some kind of solvent welded to the basin. with a more suitable tap for my PWD... if it was a more respectable time of the day to be DIYing I would have had it completed just fine!


Registered User
Feb 3, 2024
Ah jees, struggling today... I took yesterday off work to replace the kitchen sink taps.... After dad flooded the bathroom I figured I'd do the kitchen too.. makes sense right?!!?

I also got his weekly shop

Tried to collect his medication but it wasn't ready so had to be collected by my most supportive of a girl friend today on push bike may I add...

I've taken time off work and changed the locks on the front door, recently demolished and got rid of dad's bath and installed a full shower unit..

Feel I've been having a bit of a time lately and its taking it toll on me and everyone around me!.. anyway! My sister phoned dad randomly after around three weeks of absence and announced that she was taking him for lunch (directly to him with dementia)

I Allready had his lunch prepared and was around the flat all day with dad doing all the aforementioned tasks!... Him included!!

She asked dad to bring the blue badge down with him, I was currently using said blue badge for my van to enable me to do all the tasks I have been doing for months.... I said no, unfortunately not I'm using it at the moment...

Nothing else was said and then I revived this text today. .

Dad almost passed out yesterday after having to walk longer than necessary because you had his blue badge in your van."
.................,............... .

After not even speaking with him for weeks... To turn up unannounced.. and then send that next day and everything I've been doing lately .. I'll add here! she moved out of here because she couldn't handle it... I moved in at he drop of a hat... Im still paying a mortgage on my house i dont get to live in... Pfft. Yea she really got under my skin today!!!

Anyways! sorry for the rant... Dad is actually doing amazing and it's a true blessing to see the delight on his face with what little he has left!! Something a simple at a plane in the sky.. or a random encounter with someone in the lift if enough to make him chirpy thesedays!!.

Peace out,
A very grumpy LPT

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
👋 👋 👋 👋 👋. I salute you @LPT

Your sister will have much in common with many of this community`s siblings

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
She asked dad to bring the blue badge down with him, I was currently using said blue badge for my van to enable me to do all the tasks I have been doing for months.... I said no, unfortunately not I'm using it at the moment...
In order to use a blue badge, the holder needs to be in the car or being collected. Using your Dad's badge to complete tasks, is misuse which is a criminal offence and could face a fine of up to £1,000. You should have given your sister the badge and found a legal way of parking your van.



Registered User
Feb 3, 2024
In order to use a blue badge, the holder needs to be in the car or being collected. Using your Dad's badge to complete tasks, is misuse which is a criminal offence and could face a fine of up to £1,000. You should have given your sister the badge and found a legal way of parking your van.

All of the tasks included collecting/dropping dad off. He comes with me everywhere.

I was using the badge perfectly legally.



Registered User
Feb 3, 2024
Hey guys!!!!

Only me again. I had 4 days respite last week and it's made me realise how big all this feels. I felt lethargic and lazy and pretty down. And that unlike me!
But hey ho back battling on now and feeling ok about it all again! Took dad to my house for a father's dad BBQ and it was very enjoyable we are all very lucky in the sense that so far dad's dementia has actually made him far more cheery and amenable.. he's still a grumpy old fart but more of a happy grumpy old fart thesedays...any way I digress!!

I'm actually after a little bit of advise if possible please!

Dad has this stubborn cough, it's chesty and horrible, it sounds productive but he never really brings anything up I'm in talk with his doctors and drug specialists tweaking medication etc... but he's currently cannot lay flat and is sleeping really really badly. He coughs untill he chokes then gets panicked because he cannot get his breath..

He's got a fancy bed that the top and bottom move up and down I've played with that lots and got him pretty upright. But he's not comfortable for very long... I've just walked in to check on him before I go to sleep and he was sat slumped sat on the edge of his bed sleeping.. when I woke him he just said it's the only way he can get comfy... :(

So do you wonderful lot have any suggestions for some remedies or things we can try to get him comfortable to sleep... He's getting very very little sleep and what he is getting is disrupted constantly..

Any suggestions welcome 🤗 thanks you!!



Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hey guys!!!!

Only me again. I had 4 days respite last week and it's made me realise how big all this feels. I felt lethargic and lazy and pretty down. And that unlike me!
But hey ho back battling on now and feeling ok about it all again! Took dad to my house for a father's dad BBQ and it was very enjoyable we are all very lucky in the sense that so far dad's dementia has actually made him far more cheery and amenable.. he's still a grumpy old fart but more of a happy grumpy old fart thesedays...any way I digress!!

I'm actually after a little bit of advise if possible please!

Dad has this stubborn cough, it's chesty and horrible, it sounds productive but he never really brings anything up I'm in talk with his doctors and drug specialists tweaking medication etc... but he's currently cannot lay flat and is sleeping really really badly. He coughs untill he chokes then gets panicked because he cannot get his breath..

He's got a fancy bed that the top and bottom move up and down I've played with that lots and got him pretty upright. But he's not comfortable for very long... I've just walked in to check on him before I go to sleep and he was sat slumped sat on the edge of his bed sleeping.. when I woke him he just said it's the only way he can get comfy... :(

So do you wonderful lot have any suggestions for some remedies or things we can try to get him comfortable to sleep... He's getting very very little sleep and what he is getting is disrupted constantly..

Any suggestions welcome 🤗 thanks you!!

I'm sorry I've got no magic wand solution for your dad's cough.
You will have to speak with your dad's GP or a local pharmacist.
It may depend on any medications your dad is on.
For example, one of my friends has recently been complaining about being short of breath. Went to Dr who sent him to local hospital by referral to the Cardiology Dept to check lungs (chest x-ray) and heart (electro cardiogram). They worked out friend had "heart failure" - which doesn't mean heart stopped, but means heart is less efficient than it should be. 3 different meds prescribed - and as you know each box of pills comes with a sheet of paper explaining about the drug, and common or rare side effects. Well 2 of the meds in question say that a cough is a common (1 in 10) side effect. Friend developed a tickly persistent and v irritating cough. He had a follow up appointment with the cardiologist and mentioned about the cough. Result was that Dr changed the prescription. The 2 new prescribed drugs - one changed and now no cough; the 2nd med changed still says cough is a common side effect, and friend has a lesser, but more importantly, only an intermittent cough.
Sorry about going on so long.
However, similar - that is because of meds - might apply to your dad. Worth getting things rechecked, especially if causing lack of sleep. Nobody can go on with lack of sleep, as there be other consequences.
Best wishes


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
Hi @LPT my dad always had a tot of whisky before bed and he slept like a log, I had an even bigger tot because I didn't sleep so well, would this be okay with your dad's medication and I am not sure that it would be advisable while he has the cough but maybe once that has cleared up.

I have just read your posts and your dad sounds just like my dad, funny, witty, kind, lovely and good company but it does become wearing when caring 24/7 as you are finding out, you are keeping your good humour which is good but do take care of yourself as well or you could find yourself worn down. I started like you as a part-time carer before moving in 24/7 after dad had a spell in hospital that caused a decline and he was unable to live alone anymore.

Dad had a school friend called Albert, they started school together, dodging bombs to get there and remained friends until dad died aged 89 Albert was still cutting dad's grass and trimming the hedge even then because dad couldn't manage it anymore. True friends and Albert is now 94 and another lovely man.

As for your sister, her behaviour is not helpful but this is not uncommon, I had a largely invisible brother who was always too busy to help or too self-important in my opinion. I don't see him anymore and I have come to realise that it's no loss to me (it took a while but I am quite happy without him)

You are doing really well but do make sure that you get the odd break because caring can take it's toll on your health.