So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
If I had tried to give her regular paracetamol and Gel rubs off my own volition she would have (and has previously) gone ballistic, but Doctors Orders? 😀 😀 😊
When I have suggested something similar to my husband he just says, are you medically trained. 🤣 Very frustrating.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Have you tried a memory foam cushion for her sitting on - lots of different types/shapes on Amazon. Having said which having got one for OH he prefers sitting on a feather pillow.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
This morning, as it is wet and cold and no group/activity until this afternoon, she was clearly getting agitated and bored so I dug out an old iPad that has been on charge forever and has the old style charging cable which is sort of welded into the iPad Now. On it is the photo memories I did for her when first diagnosed but she rarely shows interest in them now but, arising from a suggestion elsewhere I downloaded a free Majong App and now she sits happily poking away at the tiles and matching them. The occasional tech issue and background music a nuisance but overall a great success 😝


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
This morning, as it is wet and cold and no group/activity until this afternoon, she was clearly getting agitated and bored so I dug out an old iPad that has been on charge forever and has the old style charging cable which is sort of welded into the iPad Now. On it is the photo memories I did for her when first diagnosed but she rarely shows interest in them now but, arising from a suggestion elsewhere I downloaded a free Majong App and now she sits happily poking away at the tiles and matching them. The occasional tech issue and background music a nuisance but overall a great success 😝
You might be able to turn the background music off by turning the volume down completely on the I pad. That’s what I do on both my I phone and the I pad.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
We sure can’t…. maybe the sound was part of it for her. Trying to keep our PWD occupied is a bit of a challenge.
I sometimes consider myself to be the entertainment officer. As well as chef, cleaner, supplies, maintenance, safety,.chauffeur, PE...... Or carer for.short!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Yes, and you didn't add in chief bottle washer!
However, there are now jobs I no longer have, but I wish I still had them, and I miss that terribly.
I'm no longer someone for my OH to talk to, to share views or experiences with, or to debate and argue with. I'm no longer a holiday goer, nor a dancing partner, nor a theatre companion, nor a friend or confidante, nor a harmonising voice, nor a lover............................
Carer may be vital, but where's the fun in life anymore.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Yes, and you didn't add in chief bottle washer!
However, there are now jobs I no longer have, but I wish I still had them, and I miss that terribly.
I'm no longer someone for my OH to talk to, to share views or experiences with, or to debate and argue with. I'm no longer a holiday goer, nor a dancing partner, nor a theatre companion, nor a friend or confidante, nor a harmonising voice, nor a lover............................
Carer may be vital, but where's the fun in life anymore.
My life too @Chizz 😘


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
We have a really nice weekend together including an afternoon at a Memory Cafe with activities along with our local Dementia Together group and of course my visitors with cards for Father’s Day. The only clouds were caused by my breathing struggles which have been particularly bad. Given this we have spent this morning quite literally sitting and dozing in our respective chairs with the central heating turned on and up as it is so cold. Having said that and having read your recent comments the caring duties have continued of course but I do struggle with hanging laundry (today it is towels and the like) on the airers, and carrying them upstairs from the kitchen has me gasping like a fish out of water. I’m see a respiratory consultant tomorrow when I think he want to discuss spinal surgery to free the trapped Physic nerve causing the problem.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
We have a really nice weekend together including an afternoon at a Memory Cafe with activities along with our local Dementia Together group and of course my visitors with cards for Father’s Day. The only clouds were caused by my breathing struggles which have been particularly bad. Given this we have spent this morning quite literally sitting and dozing in our respective chairs with the central heating turned on and up as it is so cold. Having said that and having read your recent comments the caring duties have continued of course but I do struggle with hanging laundry (today it is towels and the like) on the airers, and carrying them upstairs from the kitchen has me gasping like a fish out of water. I’m see a respiratory consultant tomorrow when I think he want to discuss spinal surgery to free the trapped Physic nerve causing the problem.
i hope they can do something about the breathing. it could bre the weather as there a different way of doing the washing to make it easier. ive had to adapt some of my methods of doing things


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Daycare day.

And so it starts, and from the moment she came down stairs this morning - pure venom!
It somehow feels as though the air is crackling with tension and even hate and to say all attempts to make conversation are met with foul language, hate and really hurtful comments is no exaggeration at all.
I put up with it but there is no reward or benefit that I can see except that it ruins what we have and just depresses me terribly. My family tell me to stand firm and at present I intend to but I just wish there was an alternative.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Daycare day.

And so it starts, and from the moment she came down stairs this morning - pure venom!
It somehow feels as though the air is crackling with tension and even hate and to say all attempts to make conversation are met with foul language, hate and really hurtful comments is no exaggeration at all.
I put up with it but there is no reward or benefit that I can see except that it ruins what we have and just depresses me terribly. My family tell me to stand firm and at present I intend to but I just wish there was an alternative.
just keep it up. pauline is giving you the guilt treatment. they say she enjoys it there just has to have a protest a bit like my kids when they went to school. its difficult but you need that time for a break.

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
As it is Sunday morning I am an ogre and not someone to be nice to but to get upset by as happens on Friday and Monday evenings too. The evening upsets I can really relate to as they upset me in that it has to be done according to her GP, and that is providing a vaginal insertion of oestrogen cream, a procedure that is embarrassing for both and I think humiliating for Pauline. It is to help avoid/prevent UTI’s and seems to work and she understands and accepts it needs to be done just not the how.
Sunday mornings are totally different as it is all about one tablet and a pint of water Half an hour before breakfast. Each week the reactions are the same, pure fury and argument then refusal to eat her breakfast. I have repeatedly explained that it is to help bone density and so relive her back pain caused by Osteoporosis at base of her spine, but no explanations are acceptable and her temper will simmer for hours as she sits either with her eyes shut or staring at the wall with her thumbs twiddling at a fair rate of knots. She will not even allow the TV or radio to be turned on so it is a tense silent time. It will pass and not particularly stressful for me and more of a nuisance and on the face of it a very petty issue but I hate seeing her like this but needs must I suppose.