Our magic bitter sweet moments 🥰🥰🥰


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Think it’s quite common, I have had to start watching that OH has matching shoes on - maybe it’s like the craze ( in the 90’s I think) of wearing odd socks!!! That’s quite some clothes baby has acquired, my granddaughter would have have been very impressed in her younger days.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My wife used to do all the gardening, planned our garden planting, and knew most of the plants, got books on most aspects etc and unfortunately has lost all of this knowledge or so I thought. Because of love of gardening, and we still watch Gardeners' World, I make sure that every few weeks or so I or one or our sons get some cut flowers.
Well I put some peonies and roses in a vase on the unit at the end of her bed. She looked at them, smiled and said "Nice, but I hope you don't mind if I don't eat them!"
And I didn't mind at all.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
After a few down days ( the sadness of late stage & overwhelming POA jobs) we’ve bounced back with a glorious day in the sunshine ☀️

Had a lovely al fresco lunch with mum and the Man Who Paces. He worked outside so like us loves being out and was full of cheer ……after a nap mum and I made a quick exeat for an ice-cream at the local shop. Her skills in eating ice creams remains intact although she was covered like an excited 3 year old 🥰🥰🥰 what was lovely tho is a lady probably in her 60’s stopped to ask mum if she was enjoying it….and then on her return deposited me with a pack of face wipes she had bought for us 🥰🥰🥰 This lady was clearly a carer or had been….and I clearly looked like an ill prepared carer who hadn’t brought wipes …..which was absolutely true!

I then had a walk whilst mum was returned to bed for a rest and were now sat watching TV. I know I have done things differently by being so involved with her at the care home, but days like today are really magic and will be forever treasured 🥰🥰


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Well today was a bizarre one - it was one of those days which come round about once a month when I actually have spare energy! I got up motivated to do housework 😱😱 that in itself is very rare….I then didn’t get unduly stressed when I was unable to log onto my bank account for much of the day and then realised I had forgotten to pay my council tax…

I had a rather lovely walk in woods which had the remnants of mist and the birds were singing away..

mum has been perky and the drama of the day was whether the care home cat had an upset stomach or not….he was then subject to cat DOLS and I had to keep our patio door closed if he was on the look out ….

Ive used the sudden spurt to write to the DWP to inform them of POA. Long overdue I know 🙈🙈🙈 let’s see what happens with that one….I refuse to send them copies of anything…I have had far too many work dealings with the DWP to trust them with anything important……and if you ever have to grace their office these days youre treated like a criminal at the door!

I also had a lovely chat with one of the cleaners who tapped into my dream telling me she can see me taking off in a camper van…and a relative of the ‘hot chocolate lady’ who is off to the US for a month and seemed very touched that I chat to her mum 🥰🥰


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Well today was a bizarre one - it was one of those days which come round about once a month when I actually have spare energy! I got up motivated to do housework 😱😱 that in itself is very rare….I then didn’t get unduly stressed when I was unable to log onto my bank account for much of the day and then realised I had forgotten to pay my council tax…

I had a rather lovely walk in woods which had the remnants of mist and the birds were singing away..

mum has been perky and the drama of the day was whether the care home cat had an upset stomach or not….he was then subject to cat DOLS and I had to keep our patio door closed if he was on the look out ….

Ive used the sudden spurt to write to the DWP to inform them of POA. Long overdue I know 🙈🙈🙈 let’s see what happens with that one….I refuse to send them copies of anything…I have had far too many work dealings with the DWP to trust them with anything important……and if you ever have to grace their office these days youre treated like a criminal at the door!

I also had a lovely chat with one of the cleaners who tapped into my dream telling me she can see me taking off in a camper van…and a relative of the ‘hot chocolate lady’ who is off to the US for a month and seemed very touched that I chat to her mum 🥰🥰
Hi, I telephoned the DWP , you'll need to be patient and the wait was around 35 minutes,but the lady I spoke to was
very helpful. She took the code I had prepared from OPG and once she confirmed I had POA she was willing to discuss my pwd.
I didn't need to send any documents and the relevant forms were sent to me to apply for increase in DLA. which has now been awarded.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Yes I’ve sent them the code and my NI number so we’ll see if that works…

Im afraid my patience is zero when it comes to POA 🙈🙈 I’ve lost it quite a few times on the phone, I once had a 2.5 hr wait for the DWP for a work thing 😱😱


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I must admit I tended to play solitaire on my laptop while holding on the line. Why can't they just answer the phone? The doctors are the worse, you maybev3rd in line but it takes ages to be answered


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I‘ve made it to a week’s annual leave next week 😃😃 It’s been a long stint since the end of March ( and that week was written off with CHC and tummy bug)….hoping for some time for walking and relaxing in the sunshine!

Very bizarrely I am seeing a May bump up in mum’s dementia. It’s happened the last 3 years. As we get to May there’s a noticeable improvement 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 2022 it was in being able to do small sums and stopping evening confusion to go home; 2023 confusion in language disappeared and she was interested in magazines again and this year it’s in speaking - shes much more vocal…not making much sense but much more chatty! Sustained for about a week now….I really didn’t expect it this year so has taken me by surprise.

I keep also meaning to share What we have read in mum’s diary as she crossed the Iranian border in her travels…..at the checkpoint they all had to take a green pill 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ allegedly to ward off cholera …..would you take any pill issued by the Iranian government??? Well they did, survived and set off for Tehran 😱😱😱


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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @sdmhred - hope you get have a fun and relaxing week off.
Interesting about your mum's "improvements" - obviously a "spring" forward person.
When was you mum in Iran?
(I was in Iran in 1976 summer to visit one of my sisters who, with her husband, was working there.)


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Mum travelled through Iran in November 1966 @Chizz - part of her journey back from Malaysia. How did you find the country? I’m intrigued as I have met a few Iranians through work….

The May Bumps are bizarre. She’s cognitively much more with it and more interactive this year 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ She’s chatting through personal care which is a real change for the carers. She wanted to know WHY she had to be rolled tonight 🤣🤣🤣

we’ve enjoyed a sunny day with her being up. Lunch and relaxing in the garden followed by a trip for an ice cream….slightly delayed as I managed to stand in the escaped poo of the Lady Who Paces 🙈🙈

Long day as she can be up any time between 10:30/12:30 and only has 4 hours so I don’t like to waste it….was too early today so had to hang around waiting for ages….feel a little ‘care homed out’ so tomorrow for her bed day will aim to get some decent walking in for myself….


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @sdmhred - When I went to Iran the Shah was still the monarch. It was hot and dry. My brother-in-law spoke Farsi which made a huge difference, although lots of people used to come up to us to talk, as they wanted to practice their English. He was working in Tehran, but took some time off so we could travel about to see various cities (Shiraz, Isfahan..) - most of which (apart from developments since 1900 like the motor car, the railway, etc) hadn't really changed for centuries. It's a big country. Fantastic architecture, mosques, fountains, market places, etc. My brother-in-law, when back in London, had various Iranian acquaintances /friends he kept in touch with.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Annual leave is now drawing to a close …..back to the other world for a few days tomorrow.

Theres been lots of coughs and colds here which presses my stress buttons due to mum’s physical health Conditions. Have had to practice living in the present and my mindful painting!

I did think having half term off might enable me seeing some friends - but I should have checked first as they’ve been away. My bestest friend did take me virtually to Mallorca tho ☀️☀️ They had the sunshine which has been distinctly lacking! I did catch up online with one of my school friends too.

mum’s new wheels arrived last week……I have to say she looks sooo much more comfortable….and when we’re out and about there are no more oohs and ouches from her 🤣🤣 It’s just another 15kg to push 😬😬 My sister helped us ’break it in’ outside but today I made it round quite a long route via the local for a hot chocolate and my back remains intact!

There seems to have been quite a bit happening on the floor….we’ve had a new resident who looked like they may have come to die, but is bouncing back and making themselves known by banging loudly for help, another long timer has been graded GSF amber ( I really dislike it being displayed on the door for all to see) and the babies continue to be paced up and down the corridor…..along with cushions, socks and all manner of other paraphernalia …

oh and I did my own covid vaccine side effect study….21 done….3/4 needing a day or two in bed to recover….mum had an adjustment in her meds so hoping not the bad reaction we’ve had to the last two!

ps and I have just had to intervene as the baby was being literally pulled in two by the lady pacers…..compromise ….I am babysitting!!


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