My father with dementia


New member
Jan 27, 2024
Hello everyone,
My name is Sreejita and I just joined this group. I live in Delhi, India and my parents stay in a tier 3 town called Jamshedpur. My father (72) has multiple issues that includes high diabetes, Parkinson's, polyneuropathy, liver and kidney dysfunctionality apart from dementia which was diagnosed a couple of months ago. My mother is the only caregiver at home while I keep traveling often to help. However, the situation at home is worsening with every passing day - my father is soiling himself and does not want to get cleaned, abusing everyone around him and is anyway unable to move much due to the other issues I mentioned. We are thinking of now moving him to a care home.
I fear for my mother more than my mother who is completely exhausted emotionally, physically and mentally. She is defensive and always on the edge. I joined this forum today to learn more from each of you and find a way to address this better. I am thinking of taking a career break to support in the caregiving.
Looking forward to drawing strength from all of you.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Sreejita and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am so sorry to read about your father, he has so many health issues as well as dementia which must make it hard for you and your mum to care for him. I do not know much about the care available in India as this forum is based in the UK but I have attached a link which you might find useful. One thing I would suggest that you think carefully about is taking a career bread, if you do this it could affect your future career prospects. I do think from your description of your father's health issues that it might be an idea to consider the move to a care home.


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