
Registered User
Jul 26, 2016

I am a student nurse (working alongside a friend and fellow student nurse, Diane) who has personally looked after people in work and out on our placements with Alzheimer's disease, it is an awful disease to watch someone go through, let alone to suffer with it yourself, there are amazing things that can be done for the future of people suffering with alzhiemers and dementia.

This is a personal challenge for myself after watching a very dear family friend deteriorate with dementia, whilst providing care for him and then finally seeing him through his last days i personally feel more can and should be done for this cause/ illness.

Our justgiving page is to sponsor us for the challange We are going to take on next year at the London to Paris bike ride for the Alzheimer's society. 328 miles will be covered on this cycle challenge to Paris.

(Iv started the page early to hopefully reach the target, one aspect of my challange I am worried about, also we are doing other fundraisers for the charity so it seemed easier to just link it to this account)

Alzheimer's effects 850,000 people a year in the uk alone and that's just people who have been diagnosed, there are thousands more who live without help and support and I hope that this raises the awareness they need to ask for support and seek help. By 2015 that figure is set to rise to 1 million people suffering in the Uk. It doesn't have to the be the end for someone with Alzheimer's, with help and support they are still able to live a normal and for filling life like others their age. And least not forget the family, friends and carers of these people who also deserve recognisition and support, which is also apart of the charity's outlook.

Alzheimer’s Society supports people to live well with dementia today and funds research to find a cure for tomorrow. They provide information and support for people with all types of dementia, their families and their carers, touching the lives of over 30,000 people every week. They campaign and lobby to influence government policy and raise awareness and understanding of dementia. And they fund research into the cause, cure and care of dementia.

This page is linked directly to the charity as it cuts admin costs for them and more money goes to the cause! (so there is also no exchange of money between the fundraisers and charity)

Thank you so much for reading :)

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