Just wanted to update everyone


Registered User
Dec 21, 2023
Hi I have been putting post up with the worries and concerns of my mum and dad, with my sister.I just wanted to update those been so kind with there advice. We had a new social worker in on Friday,and I believed my 2 daughters,one helps with the care of my mum and dad and the other was helping, but had confrontations with my sister and stopped.My daughters both said they were going to speak up about my sisters behaviour and manipulative behaviour of my parents, and my daughter who is doing the care was going to advice social worker she can't do it anymore.She had told my dad she had enough and wasn't going to do it after social worker had been,but when the social worker came, nothing was said from my daughters, I said about shouting and arguing with my mum when she's fiddling with covers, keeping my mum in the chair most of the day, when mum is asleep most of the day.My sister waking my mum with food all the time.the list goes on.Anyway, to cut it short, no one said anything not even my dad,when he was alone with social worker.
I have tried to make the professionals know what is going on,for over 2 years, I have depression, anxiety, and personality disorder, and I have come to realise,I'm wasting my time, I can't fight it anymore.I feel so upset how this has gone, and my sister been able to manipulative and control my parents.My dad is scared of my sister, and mum hasn't got mental capacity now.If mum or dad say no to anything that she wants to do or give, she will do or give anyway.Telling my dad what he can and can't do.its heartbreaking.I have made myself ill.so now I have decided I can't do it anymore.ik not sleeping,worrying all the time. Just wanted to update you all thanks for taking the time to read and reply at times Kim