Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
After wolfing down a massive helping of brocoli and smoked haddock mum also devoured a large plate of strawberries & tangerine boats... where does she put it all? ;) Cod and cherry tomatoes for late supper to follow haha.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
No afternoon nap again! Oh my means I'm extra busy as I don't have an hour's prep time - feelin' it peeps!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Think I've figured this one out, missed the obvious... temperature! Consequently going to switch to short sleeved t-shirt as opposed to long type ones. Have had the radiators off at intervals rather than on 24/7 but room temp. still steady at 18°C+, mum does not function well past that so one is hoping... 🤔


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Day has progressed and have just administered mum's PRN, general wear and tear on the ole'knees just caught up with her today. Tried everything else first as she was reluctant (as was I) but I think we both finally had to admit defeat around 9.20pm, consequently waiting for it to kick in... knee buckling is always a risk indicator methinks (!!) also started the teeth grinding last thirty minutes or so too.

Oh day has been right proper again :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Feels like a summer's day today, have stocked up with diet-friendly (fruit juice) ice lollies but also some naughtier tubs of ice cream too ;). Cordials and pure fruit juice from concentrate drinks also a must too, not to mention more strawberries/grapes/tangerines; all disappears quite nicely with a big Vit C boost to boot!! Now the only meal mum will accept with more than two foodstuffs on her plates is a salad 🤔 gave up trying to figure that one out so that's next on our shopping list methinks. Lucky that mum accepts and enjoys such a variety of fruits and vegetables, deffo eats more healthier than me peeps... and the volume of food that disappears - total wowser.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Two cod fillets and a mountain of cherry tomatoes... How haha!!?? Bloomin' marvelous ;)
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Easter Sunday so mum's normally strict diet out the window ;) bacon butties for lunch!! Bought cooking bacon, a hefty pack for just a £1 which was surprisingly lean, it was misshapen bits and pieces with an occasional squished rasher but an absolute bargain at today's current prices... Only for sandwiches so not really fussed about the shape or thickness :) Roast potatoes in duck fat later on peeps haha!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Finally an afternoon nap, just gone off at 3.40pm... phew! Gotta say looking forward to the next hour as I can concentrate on prep for the next waking period, you really do miss that time as mum can get easily upset when splitting that focus between her and other stuff which is quite understandable. Sort of got ahead of the game just in case today but I took room temperature and what tops she was wearing into account this time round, consequently went off without a hitch ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Sat on mum's bed following a personal visit for longer than usual (this is becoming the norm), you have to be careful that it does not end up being repetitive 'chat' churning out the same old/same old... As a consequence started reflecting on my own life's journey which mum seemed to mentally digest very well :) There was lots to impart (haha) but it was quite a cathartic experience all round, lots of censorship though!! ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Reading? Not a problem. Numbers? Good too. Conversation? Very chatty!! Dodgy knees... not so good at all :( Cognizance not marrying up with current physical functionality, the result being it impacts on mum's confidence to complete those tasks she normally sorts with ease. Consequently I've asked mum to have a word with that 'God' of her's and catch her a break, just a small one mind! Not too much to ask now is it? I get so frustrated for mum sometimes as she deserves a bit of relief from it all, we still manage to sing, laugh and smile but come on 'God' throw a bit of charity our way.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
A night of expected (No.1) continence issues which always follow the administering of PRN pain meds, pulls mum out of her usually good dry routine. So top to toe at 1am with dodgy knees to deal with, got there with lots of reassurance and resting periods before up again at 3.00 and 5.15am which weren't so bad thankfully before alarm went off at 8.13am ;) I did hit the snooze button more than once though!! Cognizance remains high during the night so for mum she is able to process such events, wanting to exercise control but the inability to do so must be upsetting to say the least :( She's a brave soldier my mum ❤


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Nap time, phew! Mum was tired and fighting sleep a good indicator she wanted a personal visit, soon afterwards zedding away now at 4.30pm! Normally it's half past three but as the clocks have gone forward an hour recently she's totally forgiven ;) Dinner and supper were already on just in case so I'm ahead of the game... for now at least haha.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Very physically challenging 7-10 days, moreso for mum - I don't mean to bang on about it but if not for the RA we'd be laughing all the way to the brain fog bank!! So important to maintain mum's suppleness whether it be massage, cold/heat therapy, encouraging mum to exercise her hands/legs or body as a whole... relaxation techniques also play a big role too. I have to applaud her efforts because if our positions were reversed I'd refuse to move haha!! You know us chaps eh, low tolerance and all that ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum so chatty (in her own way), appreciating time spent on bed listening to music whilst resting her head on my shoulder. Intimated that I needed to tidy up and rearrange items to their usual places, she is very particular about such things so I'm effectively OCDing too ;) Bits on the floor regardless of my numerous attempts to vacuum are also one of her bugbears... time to complete said tasks? Done yesterday (please and thank you)!! Taking great joy anyways in getting me to yo-yo, this is mum totally not the brain fog - trust me on this peeps and despite all she can still smile & make me dance to her tune albeit in a good lighthearted way. I am so lucky :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Going to bed consistently now at 10pm as opposed to 11pm which means supporting mum with an extra personal visit during the night but on the plus side today dry bed and kylie sheet this morning. Mum had been terribly twitchy due to the taking of her PRN meds the day before meaning she was expectedly bunged up, consequently bucketful of veg drizzled in a light Thai sweet chilli sauce with plateful of fruit late on... As a result success on the No.2 front this morning when placed on the commode and no further twitching; by'eck that vagus nerve is a complicated beast as it can have wide-ranging effects on the body!! The things you learn on this journey 🤔


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Sigh running a temp and I feel huffy and puffy... rotten luck eh? Fingers crossed 🤞 it's not a biggie!!