No capacity


New member
Jan 12, 2023
Hi all. I lost my mum 8 months ago she was diagnosed with alzheimer's only 18 months before her death.My dad who has vascular dementia deteriorated 3 weeks later he spent 8 weeks in hospital before being sent to a nursing home,he's eol.
He has no capacity,but the staff at the home are ignoring the fact,they ask him things like does he want a shower..he will always say no..they ask what he would like to eat,when he doesn't answer they will suggest totally unsuitable food and he will agree.for example he was given pasty and chips,he's on a soft and small bite!!!. He has difficulty swollowing now.
I feel so desperately frustrated and scared for his welfare.As in most care homes there are staff shortage and a lot of staff who aren't very with English,they simply won't understand my dads lack of capacity.The manager doesn't do anything to make staff aware of his needs. I have put things on his wall on what he can and can't eat but it's dad's scared to cause a problem incase they say they can't look after his needs and discharge him.They last 2 weeks he had deteriorated, he barely eats,he's not talking and he coughs when eating and drinking.sorry for the war and peace post.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Not a long post at all and I can see that you are worried about your dad. If the manager is not dealing with this sufficiently then I wonder if it is the right care facility for him. Are social services involved at all. When was the last care plan meeting for him?


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
Hi all. I lost my mum 8 months ago she was diagnosed with alzheimer's only 18 months before her death.My dad who has vascular dementia deteriorated 3 weeks later he spent 8 weeks in hospital before being sent to a nursing home,he's eol.
He has no capacity,but the staff at the home are ignoring the fact,they ask him things like does he want a shower..he will always say no..they ask what he would like to eat,when he doesn't answer they will suggest totally unsuitable food and he will agree.for example he was given pasty and chips,he's on a soft and small bite!!!. He has difficulty swollowing now.
I feel so desperately frustrated and scared for his welfare.As in most care homes there are staff shortage and a lot of staff who aren't very with English,they simply won't understand my dads lack of capacity.The manager doesn't do anything to make staff aware of his needs. I have put things on his wall on what he can and can't eat but it's dad's scared to cause a problem incase they say they can't look after his needs and discharge him.They last 2 weeks he had deteriorated, he barely eats,he's not talking and he coughs when eating and drinking.sorry for the war and peace post.
If you’re not happy raise the issues with the manager. Still not happy, contact SS if they are paying - tell them your concerns.
If self funding - go see some other homes & move him.
Your your Dads voice.
I wish I had done more sooner.
We had similar with mum in a Maidstone care home.
Mum went in mobile, eating but with usual not wanting to change, wash etc dementia ways.
Within 3 weeks she was bed ridden, not eating & was cabbage like due to lack of care & not following the care plan.
I spoke with the SW, the allocated GP,. Basically kicked up a fuss.

Her last 2 weeks were in the hospice. Massive complaint went in to CQC. I felt so sorry for the residents left behind.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
My condolences on the loss of your mum @fable

To be frank, this home is not actually meeting your dad's needs and IMO you should find somewhere else