Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Where does mum put all her food haha? Four weetabix, six sandwiches, cod & swede, 6 very naughty jaffa cakes, tangerines/apple mix, chicken breast fillet and the rest!! Not a large lady either, seven stones in her sixties but closer to 8st 10lbs at the moment (looks much better for it) for several years now... bloomin' amazing!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum real sharp again this p.m. having read the odd word, referred to me by name several times and asking multiple questions (made statements too) albeit short ones... must be the jaffa cakes!!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I'm not imagining this peeps but mum is totally back this evening! She doesn't have complete control of speech - however there is a clearly defined sense of presence moreso than usual. It started slowly earlier this afternoon gathering momentum as day has progressed, consequently I am a very happy bunny at the moment :)


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Jaffa cake treatment 👍👍👍 enjoy and treasure the moment…

Weve been thinking of you both as I drive past the park…🌼🌼ripe now for liberating 🤣🤣


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Jaffa cake treatment 👍👍👍 enjoy and treasure the moment…

Weve been thinking of you both as I drive past the park…🌼🌼ripe now for liberating 🤣🤣
Well worth the 39p a packet from Farmfoods haha ;)

Likewise when we went trundling last Sunday! Freedom for all 💚


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Watching 'Britain on Film with Tony Robinson which mum is really enjoying. Currently looking at episode two (WW2 period) and it puts me in mind of a bit of my dad's history who lived with his granny back then. Now when it was time for dad's big wash they would get a large tin bath which they would put in the middle of the street (houses were tiny), he'd then jump in for a right proper scrubbing! The water wasn't wasted however and several of their neighbours would get in on the act too! How time's have changed eh?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Ooh I’ve never seen but wondered if mum and I would like it - well mum will ‘watch’ anything but only really can engage with nature and music


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Ooh I’ve never seen but wondered if mum and I would like it - well mum will ‘watch’ anything but only really can engage with nature and music
Great drama which mum got me into years ago now, it follows Foyle a senior police officer during the war and postwar periods. Yep mum digs the music and nature programmes too but her tastes seem to have broadened somewhat over the past ten years! Foyle is worth a pop anyways ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum's brain switched on again tonight, sense of humour immense! Lost count of the number of hoops she's made me jump through but if it makes her happy it makes me happy too although quite tiring on the ole'body... and mum knows it haha ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Targeted adverts at mum's age group re. programme content watched can be summed up in two categories - charities and life insurance. The former don't just ask for pennies anymore, looking for anything up to £35!!! The latter... well mum likes the chap's chatter for the Sunlife one, for me personally you can bury me in a cardboard box when I'm gone haha ;) All this preoccupation with death stuff can be quite depressing and amusing at the same time though; mum has faith (RC) - God, the afterlife and such but from my perspective as somebody with a background in the sciences (driven in part from the brain fog thingy as well) is hmm... no not really. Whatever works for you I suppose ;) and apologies it's not my intent to cause offence as I support mum 100% regarding her spiritual welfare, fingers crossed 🤞 she deserves some form of eternal reward (not for a long time yet I hope)!
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Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Targeted adverts at mum's age group re. programme content watched can be summed up in two categories - charities and life insurance. The former don't just ask for pennies anymore, looking for anything up to £35!!! The latter... well mum likes the chap's chatter for the Sunlife one, for me personally you can bury me in a cardboard box when I'm gone haha ;) All this preoccupation with death stuff can be quite depressing and amusing at the same time though; mum has faith (RC) - God, the afterlife and such but from my perspective as somebody with a background in the sciences (driven in part from the brain fog thingy) is hmm... no not really. Whatever works for you I suppose ;) and apologies it's not my intent to cause offence as I support mum 100% regarding her spiritual welfare, fingers crossed 🤞 she deserves some form of eternal reward (not for a long time yet I hope)!
my husband wants me to pay for my funeral now,


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
my husband wants me to pay for my funeral now,
Mum's covered, paid up etc. in that regards, suppose it's the sensible thing to do, I'm just not too bothered personally about when I go however. Maybe they'll do a 'Soylent Green' Film, 1973) by the time I get there ;)

I know these prepaid funerals are now covered in case of the company going bust - so for those with immediate loved ones to hand it's less of a financial worry/concern.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I think that it was about 10 years ago when hubby first suggested that it was time to think about arranging funeral costs, I burst into tears!!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I think that it was about 10 years ago when hubby first suggested that it was time to think about arranging funeral costs, I burst into tears!!
Oh dear @SeaSwallow :(

I know mum started paying just 'pence' many decades ago as a premium which evolved into a couple of pounds every month for life insurance - mum and dad really planned ahead in that regards as we didn't have much money.

To me it's the finality of it all but for some... bringing peace of mind and trying to lessen any future potential burdens on their loved ones.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Oh dear @SeaSwallow :(

I know mum started paying just 'pence' many decades ago as a premium which evolved into a couple of pounds every month for life insurance - mum and dad really planned ahead in that regards as we didn't have much money.

To me it's the finality of it all but for some... bringing peace of mind and trying to lessen any future potential burdens on their loved ones.
I did calm down and we are all sorted now. It just sort of made me realise that neither of us was getting any younger. But little did we know what was ahead of us.