Dear Diary!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Yes we both enjoy watching the re-runs. Travel programmes are always a winner here. Mum was a bit of an adventurer. She taught in Malaysia for a year in the 60s and then drove back to the UK in a VW Beetle - she’s got pictures of herself in Kabul, Tehran etc!! Adventures u couldn’t have these days


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Yes we both enjoy watching the re-runs. Travel programmes are always a winner here. Mum was a bit of an adventurer. She taught in Malaysia for a year in the 60s and then drove back to the UK in a VW Beetle - she’s got pictures of herself in Kabul, Tehran etc!! Adventures u couldn’t have these days
That sounds like the old hippy trail, @sdmhred .
It's a shame how Iran is now, as the people are supposed to be very friendly,


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Yes we both enjoy watching the re-runs. Travel programmes are always a winner here. Mum was a bit of an adventurer. She taught in Malaysia for a year in the 60s and then drove back to the UK in a VW Beetle - she’s got pictures of herself in Kabul, Tehran etc!! Adventures u couldn’t have these days
Amazing and extremely envious. If I could live my life over again sigh... spent almost three weeks on the West Bank but I would have loved to do so much more! She sounds like a right Indiana Jones type.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Meanwhile, horror of horrors, I put Eurovision on "just to see the start" and mum's now really enjoying it 😱😱😱😱
Oh no! Eurovision is definitely verboten around here (and OH went to bed at 8.00pm anyway!)
Oh @canary I thought you had the potential to claim a podium place but you made me laugh 😆 Far too good, need to be much worse...
Well I thought those jokes were terrible. Im obviously going to have to dig much deeper. How about the one my dad used to tell which never made me laugh, even when I was a child

Q How do you get down from an elephant?
A You dont, you get down from a duck


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Oh no! Eurovision is definitely verboten around here (and OH went to bed at 8.00pm anyway!)

Well I thought those jokes were terrible. Im obviously going to have to dig much deeper. How about the one my dad used to tell which never made me laugh, even when I was a child

Q How do you get down from an elephant?
A You dont, you get down from a duck
It's a 0.75/10 from me

Mum's not watched Eurovision for years, but at the moment she's over the moon😱- looks like a long night.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Oh no! Eurovision is definitely verboten around here (and OH went to bed at 8.00pm anyway!)

Well I thought those jokes were terrible. Im obviously going to have to dig much deeper. How about the one my dad used to tell which never made me laugh, even when I was a child

Q How do you get down from an elephant?
A You dont, you get down from a duck
A solid 3/10!!!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Where are all these jokes coming from? 🤣🤣 I’ve obviously missed out on an essential part of childhood!!