Care refunds, NHS Continuing Care - Alzheimer's Society Podcast September 2012

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Registered User
Oct 2, 2007
There have been advertisements over recent weeks, on television and online, regarding claiming back care home fees for people who have dementia. Companies offering these schemes encourage people to appeal the outcome of assessments for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding.

NHS continuing healthcare (also known as NHS continuing care and fully funded NHS care) is a package of care arranged and funded solely by the NHS. It is awarded depending on whether a person's primary need is a health need. It can be provided in a range of settings, including an NHS hospital, a care home or someone's own home.

September's Alzheimer's Society Podcast provides an introduction to the process of claiming back NHS continuing care funding.

A solicitor is not needed to make these appeals. Alzheimer's Society provides free advice to people wishing to appeal NHS Continuing Healthcare cases, contained in the booklet When does the NHS Pay for Care?. There is also support available both through the Helpline and the NHS Continuing Care Volunteer support group. The group's Top Ten Tips on appealing NHS Continuing Care Cases are also available online.

Applying for NHS continuing healthcare is not an easy process to go through or to understand. We cannot tell you whether a person with dementia is eligible for NHS continuing healthcare. The guidance applies to people in England, but much will also be applicable to people in other parts of the UK.

Click here to listen to our podcast, 'Care refunds, NHS Continuing Care'.
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