Anyone used this or been on a similar cruise

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
I took my husband on a Saga/Titan cruise last month in Croatia, it actually went quite smoothly. It was quite expensive c£5000 for a week but it did include very cheap (£40) health insurance that covers dementia, and minibus transfer from home to Gatwick Airport. The tour leader could not have been more supportive and helpful, and the other (30) guests were really friendly and totally fine with his problems.
He did have a two week freak out when we came home, believing that I had had an affair with the captain and that I had embarrassed him by treating him like a child (possibly guilty to charge 2 but def not charge 1 😹😹😹)
He has settled down again now but these holidays are very stressful all round! I only ever agree to them as leverage to get him to accept more carer support.
Maybe it’s just us but it’s getting very hard to go anywhere and do anything together but I seem to get guilt tripped into it every time 🙈🙈🙈
Sending love to all ❤️


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
Hi @Orsonkartt (love your user name) I just had a look at the link and it appears to be quite a big ship with 2666 passengers. I wonder if a smaller ship would be easier to navigate.

The only cruise that I went on with dad was on a Fred Olsen ship. It was my first cruise but dad had been on the ship many times with mum so he was very familiar with it, I was more likely to get lost than he was.

Dad was in the early stages of dementia so it worked quite well for us but I was his constant chaperone and when we went ashore we rarely got further than the nearest coffee shop, ice cream parlour or bar which was a bit limiting. I would have liked to explore some places further but it was a lovely trip all the same and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

I hope you get some more answers.


Registered User
Aug 6, 2023
Thanks for your thoughts and insights.

My wife has her bag packed to go somewhere . Nothing has been talked about .


Registered User
Aug 6, 2023
Thanks for your thoughts and insights.

My wife has her bag packed to go somewhere . Nothing has been talked about .


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Only cruise I get to go on now are down the UK canals, sat on my boat right now as I write.
Before my wife passed away it was the one place she came alive, almost back to her old self, I don't know if it's the confined environment so you can see everyone with a turn of the head and you're never out of each others sight, but she loved boating. K