'You're trying to drug me to get me out of the way'


Registered User
Apr 16, 2016
:) This is what Mother said to me today when I attempted to give her one Panadol to calm her down a little. Wouldn't she like to know what the nursing home and doctors are trying to give her to calm her down.... and what I am fighting to keep her off... Still, this shows that she really doesn't want to be drugged to be kept quiet.... but she is so distressed a lot of the time now (because she basically gets lonely and would like company 24/7) that we are wondering whether it would be kinder to give her something else to calm her. In the old days in an extended family she would have had someone around 24/7 - it's so sad these days that's the price we pay for having more independent lives.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
My husband's extreme paranoia used to make him so terrified of medication of any kind too - he resisted taking any kind of medication for far too long, being convinced that we were just going to "dope him up, so he'd sit in a chair drooling". Thankfully, once his consultant finally got him to try "just a little tablet to help you to sleep a bit better at night" - it was actually an anti-psychotic - and once that had kicked in and toned down the paranoid psychosis, he was more open to other meds for his agitation, so he stopped pacing the floors non-stop. We had two good years at home, when he was as happy and content as I'd ever seen him.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2014
If your mother's response is only to the Panadol, can you crush it and put it in a drink? You could check with your pharmacist about whether the medication would keep if you dissolve it. As to antipsychotics, I worry too. If you go that route, the lowest dose possible is the way to go, I believe. I had one and cut the lowest dose in half and it was too strong. Being elderly with dementia, and individuals respond differently.
I am sorry she said that to you. I understand the comments myself. My mother (I just posted about today) also says things. I am so sorry. I hate the illness, but love my mother. I just forget that it is the illness talking and not her.
Good luck & hugs.