Worried and don’t know what to do!


New member
Oct 17, 2023
Hi , I don’t know if this is the right place for this? I’m also not great at technology, but I’ve tried a few help lines and been holding and holding, I don’t know what to do! So trying this, I’m very worried about my mum, that she has dementia, I moved her in with me and my husband about 5 and a half years ago when we first got worried about her, I will try and keep it short by just saying her living conditions were not good and at first she seemed better but it has just become awful, some days are good some bad and some worse, I’ve tried broaching the subject about seeing a doctor but she can become, I hate to say awful but it’s now got to the point I’m in tears most days, either through worry or what she says and I just don’t know what to do or where to turn. Any advice gratefully received, thank you


Registered User
May 24, 2015
Hi and welcome to the forum,

Rather than discuss taking your mum to the GP, send them an email explaining your concerns. Be as detailed as you can. Ask if they will invite her in for a well woman check up. Then once she’s there they should be able to navigate any protests she makes by asking some basic questions. If you have a GP with a specialism in dementia/geriatric care that would be really helpful, perhaps suggest that in your email.

If that can be arranged go with her for reassurance. Sadly many of us here understand completely how difficult it is when our loved one doesn’t see there is anything wrong. Although sometimes the person themselves know something isn’t quite right but fear stops them asking for help.

I do hope you can get your mum some help but the GP is the first step, otherwise you could find yourself in a crisis situation which is the last thing you all need. Good luck and keep posting,


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Hayley75 and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum, There is a lot of shared experience of dementia here so I am glad you have found us.
To be in denial that there is anything wrong is very very common. Yes, as @Chaplin has said, do make a comprehensive list of things either your Mum is saying, doing, or behaving, in a way that gives you the concern you have. And certainly, use subterfuge if you need to to get her to the GP in order to start the diagnosis process off.
It certainly sounds as though you perhaps should try to get this step moving otherwise it may be your health that suffers. and that won't be good for you or your husband. Do take care, and remember you can always let off a bit of steam here too.


New member
Oct 17, 2023
I really can’t thank you enough for this, I will try that straight away but also just having read some of the other experiences on here of family has helped so tremendously, this time happy tears of not being alone in my problems but sad that anyone is going through it, if that makes sense?