Worried about such a rapid change


Registered User
Mar 28, 2008
My mum has been in a EMI care home since 7 December, she has got worse since being admitted to home but during the last month things have really got bad, she has had four falls (approx one a week), three of which she has been sent to hospital, this last fall she has been in hospital the whole week, hospital want to release her but care home saying they she will need a zimmer frame and extra care (she was walking with no problems before hospital stay) and will probably need to move to EMI nursing. How can all this happen so quickly, I know she has been ill for years her memory had gone and she could not look after herself but she was able to walk round and wash and dress herself with help before going into care, then she started getting aggressive which seemed to be the norm with others on this site, but I just feel sick at heart that in the space of just over 4 months she is practicly bedridden and seems to also be incontinent (according to the hospital) other people at the home seem to have been there for years and haven't got this ill so quickly I can't understand why.


Registered User
May 24, 2006
My Mothers consultant explained to me that when the brain is damaged by mini strokes/infarcts/dementia /alzheimers a fall or an infection takes it toll and the more falls or infection the bigger the damage on an already vulnerable brain..........sooner or later the damage speeds up as it did with my mother who went from living alone and having funny spells etc to being totally ga ga in hospital and faced with EMI only a C Diff infection reared its head and resolved the issue

We were told she had a year at most but in fact 5 weeks later she died which really was a blessing in disguise because no way would that once very proud and pernickity lady have wanted to see herself the way she was


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland

Yes, it can happen like that, following a fall, an infection, or a TIA. It doesn't always, but it can. It happened to us, my husband went from a strong man who walked a mile twice a day, to someone who needs three people to wash and change him, and put him to bed. And that happened in the space of a week! He's also doubly incontinent.

It's horrible to watch, but it's just another horrible aspect of this horrible disease.

Regarding the zimmer, I'd ask the hospital about this. Generally, people with dementia who haven't used a zimmer before are unlikely to be able to cope with them. The hospital must make sure she is safe with one before discharging her. If she does learn to use one, OT will lend her one.

It could well be she will need EMI, John went straight from heme to hospital to EMI. I was a bit upset about this, but I'm so glad now, he couldn't have had better treatment anywhere.

You should have a review with the hospital consultant and your mum's social worker to discuss her needs before she is discharged. If your mum needs EMI care, SS will have to agree this.

I'm sorry this has happened to your mum, I know how devastating it is. Please let us know how you get on.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2008
Care home said they will visit hospital tomorrow to access my mum before she is allowed to return to them so I suppose they mean regarding use of the zimmer and what care they need to provide so I will have to wait to see what they say. Will post tomorrow, thanks for your replies I understand a bit better now as to why the rapid change but will be glad when I know whats happening to her on her return.

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