Wonderful Grandchildren


Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
Co Durham
I went down to stay at my daughters in Farnborough for a few days last Wednesday, and slept badly each night with nightmares. However on Friday morning after getting out of bed feeling very rough, I went down stairs as usual to be greeted by the usual Hello Grampy with "big smiles", which always helps me to feel more cheerful, and sometimes makes me feel like crying.

After breakfast it was decided that we were to go shopping in Farnborough, so we all went off in the car. Once out of the car the eldest, who is nearly five took me by the hand and we walked around the shopping centre, and as we did she chatted to me, which was wonderful.

We went out on the Saturday and the Sunday and each time it was the same. The youngest grand daughter tried to get in at one stage, only to be told that it was Lucy's Job to look after Grampy, and she was to stay with nanny and to leave us alone. At this point I started to wonder whether, children are growing up faster and whether they knew that I was not very well.

My daughter Claire did tell them last year that I had Old timers disease, and for some reason it seems to have had an impact on them.

Today before coming home we decided to walk Lucy to school, before getting our train. As we got outside, Lucy grabbed my hand again and said that she was going with me, and then she walked me to school, which hit me harder than other times.

I confess that the noise off these two at times does get me, but after the last few days I am really going to miss them more than usual.

What would we do without them.



Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
What would we do without them.

It's unthinkable Ken.

My eldest grandaughter, when aged about 3, managed to get Lionel on the London Eye by talking to him all the time, whilst holding his hand. It was so lovely to see.

He had/has no head for heights and the thought of the wheel going round made him dizzy. I had booked his ticket, but was quite prepared for him to refuse to get on.

Dear grandaughter saved, and made the day.

Thanks, your post made me remeber the incident.

Linda Mc

Registered User
Jul 3, 2005
Nr Mold
Three of my grandchildren have had birthdays in the last ten days a boy 11, two girls our eldest grand daughter 20 and our youngest grand daughter 4.

It was the youngest that made me smile, for her birthday she wanted fairy dust the real stuff not pretend!!

Enjoy them all you can Ken growing up happens so fast. On the 11th another grand daughter is 18 mind you she has sent out Princess party invitations and everyone has a colour code mine is green so she is still a little girl at heart!

Hope you and Janice are enjoying the sunshine.:)

Linda x


Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Torquay Devon

Hiya ken, arnt grandchildren so so wonderful!! We have EIGHT!! Ages ranging from 18 to 1yr old with a great grandchild on the way in twelve weeks. Having already got heart failure all the children, well, those old enough to understand all know that grandad is very poorly and has a bad chest so we only told the oldest ones about the AD. They now take turns looking after me and go most places with us when they can. We see them all at least three to four times a week as they live close by. I agree there are times when i could get up and run away but i woulndt half miss them if they wernt there. They have just been up to Bolton for a week on half term and i cant wait to see them tomorrow, enjoy being a grandad my good friend, you deserve it,Best wishes, Norrms and family xx


Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
Co Durham
Hi Norrms

My daughter had three miscarriages before her first child was born, so we really did not expect any grand children.

My son is not showing any signs of getting married, and I think he is a slow starter? He has had plenty of girl friends, but nothing ever came out of that. He has had plenty of hints that he should get on with life from me, but he ignores them all. So I take it from that he is happy to do his own thing, and being an Uncle which he loves, as he idolises Claire's two little girls, and they think the world of him.

But I think Claire's children have made me very happy in this stage of life, and they give me something to look forward to, when they are heading this way or if we are going down there.

However I think the youngest is going to be a problem when she grows up, as she can argue black is white now and she is only three.

The other day she spent nearly quarter of an hour trying to tell me that I did not like fish. If I had not got up and walked out she may well have convinced me.

That afternoon I was very tired as I had been up during the night due to my nightmares, and I started to drift off, each time I did nod off she came up to me and told me to wake up as it was not time to go to sleep.

Still I love them all dearly

Best Wishes

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Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Hi Ken,

Your posts remind me of one of the reasons I decided to have a child: my dad. My elder sister never wanted them and neither did I until my body clock started ticking at 33. At 35 I had the son my dad wanted, although he never ever pressurised me and my first husband into having Will.

We were worried that Grampy, as Will always calls him, would die at 64 like most of his male relatives and that he'd never see Will growing up. He's managed to make it way past there to 81, Will is 15 and they idolise each other. There aren't many 15 year old boys who still think their Grampy can do miracles, but Will is one of them.

Your grandchildren clearly also idolise their Grampy, even if they won't let you sleep! :)

Have to say, occasionally I wish I was Will's gran because then I could give him back :eek::D

Vonny xxx