Wise words needed


New member
May 16, 2024
Over the last 2 yrs I've watched my mums cognitive health decline dramatically. She has zero recollection of recent conversations and events, gets confused in simple situations and forgets words. She's 65 and absolutely point blank refuses to see a doctor or acknowledge my concerns. My mum lives with my grandmother who's 90 and sharp as a pin, but is exhausted. I visited yesterday and noticed my grandmother was braised, my mum said she'd tripped again & rolled her eyes. My grandmother confessed my mum had pushed her over in a temper after accusing her of taking her purse (it was in her bag)
I don't know what to do, I can't make her seek help, every conversation is shut down completely. I'm so worried - for both of them - but how do you help someone who refuses help?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hi Lizzy

what a stressful situation for you to be in. I think I would be minded to contact the GP and advise them what has happened and consider also reporting to social services as a safeguarding. Both your mum and grandmother are vulnerable adults - and both need help. What practically can be done if they refuse is difficult to say but I would definitely start getting them on the radar.

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
Whilst I'm extremely sad to hear of your situation, a 90 year old woman simply can not be allowed to be a carer.

Please contact social services as a matter of urgency and explain that your Mum is acting aggressively towards a very elderly lady. You need to use the words "safeguarding" as your grandmother is being assaulted. I really do appreciate how hard this is for you but it needs to be done.