Where is it?


Registered User
Aug 8, 2014
What a day. After a full busy day at work I visit my Mum. Shes lost her cash tin! I have been on my hands and knees looking under everything. I have been in every cupboard, drawer, wardrobe, airing cupboard, in the bed, bath, rummaged through clothes, fridge, freezer, microwave and oven. 'That man' has been in a taken it! Then it was my Dad who has taken it for his woman (he died in 1999). I dont know where to look next? It has her money for bills in it, so where is it? Any ideas where I can look next! Has anyone found something like this in an unexpected place? Incidentally I asked if she had any pain going to the toilet but she says it is all ok. She is so muddled, it must be a UTI. :(


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
Behind the toilet. Have you looked in that gap behind the toilet.
In the dustbin
While you were looking in one room could she have moved it
In a carrier bag Under coats on the coat hook

Have you done what I did once with mums spare keys..... Put it somewhere safe yourself and what with the stress and everything... Completely forgot you were looking after it....

Hope it turns up soon xx

Sent from my iPhone using Talking Point


Registered User
Apr 5, 2010
In a pile of towels, the bin, bread bin, inside the bath panel, on top of the kitchen cupboard, the crisper.

Could you give her something 'valuable' and tell her to out it somewhere safe later, pretend to leave and see where she puts it?


Registered User
Jul 31, 2012
Glamorgan s.wales
You seem to have covered most"hiding places".what about under or behind a cushion. Could she have placed it in another larger tin or box(eg a shoe box)? Does she have a shopping bag it might have been put in. Sounds ridiculous but worth looking in the washing machine or if she has one the tumble dryer. We have all mislaid things but I know on the odd occassion I misplace my purse or credit card I feel quite sick,so hope you manage to find the tin soon.


Registered User
May 21, 2014
Good luck. I have been looking for a missing library book for weeks. I have two more renewals before I have to own up! It's maddening.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2007
SW London
My FIL used to hide money and things like his bank books (defunct anyway) in books, or behind or between books on the shelves. And we have an awful lot of books in this house - it was a nightmare, since he would go mad until we found whatever it was. A colleague also found loads of cash inside piles of magazines and tucked into old newspapers when she was clearing an old uncle's flat after he died. IIRC there was over £2000.

Having said that, OH made the mistake of giving FIL the £50 someone paid as deposit for his car when it was finally sold. Well. Of course he 'put it somewhere safe' and then went mad when he couldn't find it. We went through countless books, as usual, and it was well past midnight, with FIL yelling 'I GO CRAZY!' (as if we weren't going bl**dy crazy too) when it finally turned up in the pocket of his pyjama top, which he had hidden under the mattress.
That was the end of giving him any cash, ever.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
The bin appears to be the main receptical for things Mil misplaces/wants to hide :( I've fished out bedding, undies, clothes, her handbag, bags of sweets, books, photographs and a couple of times, cash. The current missing item is £30 cash - during a clothes shopping trip, she insisted on looking after her own money, thats what was left and into her purse it went. To be honest, I then forgot she had it, when we got home. Till a few days later, that is, when she asked me to pick her up something from the shops and insisted she would pay for it with the cash in her purse. Nothing but coins there, no idea where the notes had gone - and I had emptied all the bins as it was general rubbish collection that morning. The cash still hasn't turned up, so assuming that its now wrapped in tissue on some landfill site. :(


Registered User
Nov 13, 2014
In the cistern? Somewhere outside? In a shed or outbuildings? Hope you find it soon and come up with an alternative way of paying her bills, x


Registered User
Nov 13, 2014
Somewhere outside? In a shed or outbuildings? In the cistern? Is it possible that she has let someone in that HAS taken it? Hope you find it soon and also find an alternative way of paying her bills, x


Registered User
May 20, 2014
the hiding and moving of things is a nightmare, though I have to say it is easy enough when you are well- to put something somewhere only you know..and forget! but some of the places I find stuff is a little far fetched
has it gone in the freezer. fridge..under a bed, chair cushions.pantry amongst food.
I have been looking recently for bills, which were stuffed down side of a chair seat cushion.yesterday it was presents, which I am stil looking for - and have gone through everywhere except inside wardrobes!

of course there is chest of drawers..back of wardrobe, shelves, ottoman - behind or under anything that has a gap big enough. - or possibly in the rubbish if the tin was thought to be old and unused??
I find myself racking my brains where I would hide something to keep it safe.as I am sure mum does this and it seems logical to her at the time :S

and I do find I get paranoid too, wondering if ,in fact, someone has taken things, as they know mum will forget completely, even if she has asked someone to look after or have something.

Grace L

Registered User
Jun 14, 2014
How big is the tin? ... Is it like one of those lockable cash boxes ?

Do you have long (floor length) curtains? Curtains would still pull open/closed, tin could be hidden.

In a carry-on/flight bag? A bag-inside-a-bag ?

If it's a small tin, what about down the side of the couch?
I have a sofa bed, and there is a gap that things can be posted down the side.

Inside a large box of washing powder?

Does anything look like it has been dug over in the garden? :eek: have hand tools been moved?


Registered User
Feb 27, 2014
Depending on size: under the seat pads of the sofa and chairs? (I know someone who liked to keep the newspapers tidy under there...).

Good luck, what an annoying waste of time!


Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
Mum's rings disappeared for weeks despite several searches. They eventually appeared as if by magic exactly where they were supposed to be.
Maybe patience is called for :rolleyes:


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
My husbands money disappeared out of his box and was missing for weeks then all of a sudden it was there again, I had searched loads of times and couldn't find it so I have no idea where it was, sorry I can't help it might appear again like magic,


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
My MIL used to drive us mad hiding her money which took hours to find, somefimes resulting in hours of searching never to find it at all. She lost loads and insisted it was replaced. In the meantime she would name everyone under the sun for stealing it. We couldnt persuade her that she didnt need any as she was used to having a wad of notes, so in the end I had the brainwave of printing off a load of £20 notes front and back on the computer. She was happy thinking she had money and every time she lost it we just ran some more off!
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Registered User
Jul 31, 2012
Glamorgan s.wales
My MIL used to drive us mad hiding her money which took hours to find, somefimes resulting in hours of searching never to find it at all. She lost loads and insisted it was replaced. In the meantime she would name everyone under the sun for stealing it. We couldnt persuade her that she didnt need any as she was used to having a wad of notes, so in the end I had the brainwave of printing off a load of £20 notes front and back on the computer. She was happy thinking she had money and every time she lost it we just ran some more off!

What a good idea that is (printing some notes) but it could take some explaining if she tried to spend them ! I'm sure you've thought of that and am pleased you found a way to keep your MIL happy.

Grace L

Registered User
Jun 14, 2014
I've just googled .... play money .... and quite a few of the searches have some Ok-ish looking money.

Hhhmmm, sorry, but I'm not sure it's legal to copy real money :( .


Registered User
Jan 20, 2011
Other places to look: Her handbag, pockets of clothes and coats, inside shoes or boots, inside boxes of cereal or washing powder, on the floor under furniture, behind furniture wedged against the wall, in the recycling box, and anywhere you have already looked! :confused: Seriously, if this is likely to become a habit then it is worth typing up a list on the computer and using it as a tick sheet.

We used to say MIL must have a door to a secret room. :D We would look EVERYWHERE and the item would then reappear by magic, usually the next day. I strongly suspect that MIL would move things around during the hunt and hide the item somewhere she knew we had already looked. Perhaps she was just using her family to test her security system? :rolleyes:
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