when is the time right


Registered User
How do you decide when parent is no longer safe to live alone.

its just that mums sister has been making mutterings about her going into a home straight away following diagnosis. my sister also who lives 5 huors drive away has also mentioned that perhaps she should be in an extra care environment. however after speaking to mum she doesnt appear to want this yet.
i feel that she is ok she has never left any dangerous electrical appliances on etc...

so just wandered realy how others decided the time was right.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
I do think it varies since mobility or lack thereof can be a major impetus for such a move. My thoughts are

1) Can she keep herself safe? Not just leaving on appliances but would she be able to lock the doors at night, not let random people into the house, be able to use an alarm system if she fell, or remember how to call 999 (or another number) should she need help?

2) Is she frightened to be left alone? Lots of people think they can manage and then get very distressed when people arn't around. I think that can happen particularly when someone has been in hospital for a while.

3) Can she (will she) feed herself? Will she do strange things with food (leaving perishables out and then eating them for example).

Then there are all the mobility issues - could she get out of the house if there was a fire? Can she get to the bathroom? To bed?

I think most of these come down to safety really.