when is LPoA for finances needed and when isn't?


Registered User
May 16, 2023
My DH and I have LPoA, fully on MiL bank account, we receive the statements, have online access (although it isn't working) and do regular over the phone banking and transactions etc. MiL in now in a nursing home and we are reviewing direct debits and any other regular payments and can cancel a few including the phone VM and a magazine subscription. I have cancelled the direct debits with the bank and checked we them about the process, I have emailed VM and the publisher, VM seem to be ignoring the request and have written to MiL at her property saying sorry to hear she has a complaint they will ring her to text her to discuss it soon. The phone is still live. The publisher took week and then replied that normally they would need to see PoA but understand the circumstances and will cancel the subscription. Do VM and the publisher need to see the PoA, if the bank are happy for me to cancel the payments? I have also filled in the form to cancel paying council tax, I haven't had an acknowledgment or anything at all from the local authority on this. I have sent a photo of the PoA to Virgin, but they wrote and asked for it again .... they didn't like the photo they wrote to my 90 year old MiL at her flat, but she is in a nursing home with dementia and other health issues, they asked her to send a copy of the PoA as PDF attachment to an email...... With or without it I can and have cancelled the direct debit - do they need a second copy of the PoA in order to close the account?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011

Covering note should ask for account termination.


Registered User
May 16, 2023
I have emailed VM three times to say cancel the phone, they just keep sending letters saying things like, 'you are out of contract', 'we have received your complaint' - to MiL at her home address. I found my email where I attached photos of PoA in my sent box from May. I think I will wait and see what happens when they realise they haven't been paid, I have spoken to them on the phone two or three times when they cancelled the direct debit themselves for no known reason 3 months ago and got no sensible answer, they reinstated the dd, then charged a late payment fee, then refunded the late payment fee and £1.35 to say sorry - whilst insisting they didn't cancel it and MiL must have cancelled it (from her hospital bed with dementia.... ). So I don't feel inclined to spend more time on this - I just don't want MiL to get a black mark against her name on credit ratings etc. She has been so cautious and careful with her bills and it seems wrong that it is so hard to get a sensible solution and that VM and others refer to texting, emails and PDFs - my mother wouldn't be able to cope with any of those and she doesn't have dementia.


Registered User
May 16, 2023
VM finally got a sensible and apologetic person to ring me and agreed that they will cancel MiL direct debits, cancel her contract and not charge for the last few weeks (she has used the phone once in 6 months but needed to keep it for falls alarm, that worryingly didn't work when she was found on the floor the second time..). All sorted - but it is madness that it took over a month. I called in at the flat for usual post pick up yesterday and found a letter from VM saying 'thank you for your bank details, we confirm the direct debit has been set up'? I am going to assume this is their poor internal communication and will only get back in touch if they do keep charging. Funny enough a friend of mine had a contract job for VM a few years ago to sort out internal communication, she found it impossible, frustrating and not an easy place to work. I note they got voted third worst broadband and phone provider in the UK - can't imagine how bad the top two must be.

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