What to do next?


Registered User
Jun 6, 2023
My husband is currently with a section 3 under the mental health act, lewy body dementia, due to safety becoming impossible at home with myself and family. I work full time finish at 4pm everyday and see my husband afterwards. I am overwhelmed with guilt and miss him terribly. Its been 2 months now and medication seems to be helping. I have stress from his family why he is in there and how much longer. Its so hard emotionally especially when he wants to come in the car with me and when I leave he sees me with other men !!!! ( obviously not so). I usually try to be strong but result in crying all the way home . On a good day ! he is very loving. The other residents are more advance with different dementia and he now says 'he has enough of the noise and shouting, can't stand much more'. I have meetings with the clinicians and they are pleased with his progress. I know its a long road for the next stage 24/7 care but I see my husband condition deteriating quicker due to the environment. I am really hoping for him to come home if the caring support can be acheived.
Is there any advice from anyone?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Yes, keep doing what you're doing , being wonderful for him, that and never feel guilty, how can you do what you do and work full time.
Section 3 means he will get section 117 funding in a care or nursing home, all free on discharge, but it's hard when it's a partner or a parent, as for his family, you are his family as you're closest to him, right now.