What to do next about mum?


Registered User
Dec 31, 2014
Hi all,

I've not posted before but I have been reading for a few days now. My mum has early-onset Alzheimer's and things are deteriorating faster than ever before. My dad cares for her as well as holding down a job and my sister and I help out as much as we can.

But next week we all have to go back to work, and don't know if we can safely leave her at home during the day. She is on medication to stop seizures which has made her very miserable, and has started saying she just wants to die, which is quite worrying. Has anyone else had a similar situation? We want her to live safely at home for as long as possible but can't be around 24/7.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Registered User
May 23, 2013
Hi all,

I've not posted before but I have been reading for a few days now. My mum has early-onset Alzheimer's and things are deteriorating faster than ever before. My dad cares for her as well as holding down a job and my sister and I help out as much as we can.

But next week we all have to go back to work, and don't know if we can safely leave her at home during the day. She is on medication to stop seizures which has made her very miserable, and has started saying she just wants to die, which is quite worrying. Has anyone else had a similar situation? We want her to live safely at home for as long as possible but can't be around 24/7.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi sounds like you all have a lot on your plates. I care for my dad as im on a career break kinda, and my sister and my husband work fulltime. My dad was diagnosed with dementia with lewy bodies about a year ago eventhough hes been waiting two years fro a proper diagnosis. the symptoms started before that even. My dad is my mums carer as she has spine probs and gets very depressed.

I don't know if you've had a care assessment for your mum and your dad and yourselves as carers?? everyone should have one as soon as they get a diagnosis, even if help isn't needed straight away. I find it hard to find time just to be able to do the odd courses or voluntary work so I can imagine how difficult it is for you all !
if like me when im not there my mind it totally consumed with what will be happening? will the gas be turned off?..will he have fallen?...
if you are all the same then we are talking about getting help in, and I suppose if your dad has been doing things for your mum theres every likelihood shed find things difficult with dementia even if early dementia like my dad does.
there are sitters that people like age uk can provide.. or charities like crossroads, but ultimately if we are talking physical help you are talking carers from either social services which will we discussed at care assessment in your home , or from private companies if you feel the necessity to pay and chose your help when and how.

My dad probably would accept a carer if my mum would..but shes younger than him and thinks shes keeping my dad independent by letting him do anything. you can imagine how concerned I am. he has tremors and cant perceive 3d or large objects and can drop at any time. My dad would never in his lifetime ever admit hes struggling with things and my mum has subconsciously been covering for him eventhough she doesn't do hardly anything in the house.

there is only so much you can do yourselves. my dad does attend alzheimers activities and they are fab people attend with family carers or friends. Maybe if your mum strikes up an acceptance with a carer or friend they could take her to choir or craft or memory café just to meet others in the same boat .

there are allsorts of alarms that would help your mum lifeline in the house and door or fall or movement alarms. they all sound dramatic but very helpful.

I suppose the first step is getting your mum to accept help other than from family...my mum is totally dependant on family help ie me..now she wont do things with anyone else! I can have two minutes to myself. don't feel you all have to take all the pressure.

whether your mum will accept help a care assessment is a priority even if only to help your dad and yourselves. .they vary in different areas.. and word of advice be straight with them tell them what youd like and don't be initimated by the budget cut nonsense. remember the care act 2014 ..read up on it ..you all have rights..

best wishes..


Registered User
Jan 1, 2015
This is my first post too. My mum has suddenly gone from a strong, independent person to someone consumed by deep, terrifying anxiety. That, along with STM loss, some confusion and some loss of visual perception leads me to fear she has vascular dementia. She has had a severe heart attack and several TIAs in the past, perhaps even a stroke. I am terrified of the future, for her and for our family. She has had an MRI very recently and we are waiting for the results, but fear these will take a long time.
How do we cope? I live in a different city. Any advice would be most welcome. This forum is fantastic, if a little scary.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2014
My Mum also has early signs of Alzheimers, she lives with me although I work full-time, there is just her and I at home although I have a daughter and a partner. She has poor mobility, too so has a carer in to make breakfast and check she is ok (15 mins), again at lunchtime (15 mins). I'm lucky that I can do split shifts at work so I'm home most days for an hour or so in the afternoon although it does make it a long day, 7am - 7pm and then I have to make dinner. She also has a fall alarm which goes straight to MECS if she triggers it, this may help your mum. My mum is also starting cognitive therapy on 12th January which may also be available in your area. The first step is to get her assessed. My mum had no option but to accept carers as she wasn't getting home from hospital until a care package was in place.