What Of The Future ??


Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Torquay Devon
What Of
Hiya, I was asked yesterday if ever I thought about the future as I am always saying this disease dictates that we live every day as it comes to make the best of a bad situation, slight understatement there but I am sure you know what I mean.
I suppose the answer is yes I have thought about it but not for a while now. The first thing that always comes to mind when I think of my future is my family. How will they manage? Will they be ok? What about their future? I have always said my main aim is to make sure Elaine “My Angel” is secure in every possible way to ensure a bright and happy future without me, this I can say, with peace of mind, has been done.
Then my thoughts go to my children who are all grown up now and making their way in the world as they should, and as I think of them I grow a little taller as I am so proud of them all. We walked many roads together, both rocky roads and even roads but together we walked them and got there in the end. It was not only character building for them but as anyone knows who have children it’s also character building for the parents as well!!
Then, of course without exception are my grandchildren, all nine of them!! The eldest are three girls, 18yrs, 14yrs (Going on 30yrs loll) and eleven (the clever one LOL) The one thing I have always said since finding out I had this terrible disease is my aim in life was to see my three girls “Walking down the aisle” and I would be a very happy man. This still stands as I intend fighting this demon called “dementia” to the very end. The very thought of me not being there for their biggest day fills me with dread and believe me it will be worth fighting for.
The other six grandchildren are boys ranging from eight downwards!! So as you can see, even with my optimistic outlook I might be pushing it a little to be there for their stag nights!!LOL Still you never know?? I am so immersed in helping my grandchildren to grow up into the adults I know they can be I don’t often think that far into the future, but when I do I must admit it takes two different roads. The first road is either watching or walking my granddaughters down the aisle, holding on to them so tight, I don’t really want them to get married but I know they must, but be guaranteed, tears of happiness will flow!
The other road is much different; it’s one of fear for the future and the unknown. I read each and every day how you brave carers deal with the most horrific situations and how much you give every time you are asked without question. The things I read are real and uncompromising accounts at what this awful disease does to people, and their loved ones/carers ECT. Is this my future?? Is this is what to come?? Will I be such a burden for my family??
Do all these things go through the heads of people in my position? Surely it must do but as I have said before, we get very very good at hiding things and especially our feelings. So back to the original question “Do I think of the future?? I suppose the honest answer is no, not that much, as when I do it can take me down either road which is such a roller coaster of emotions the end event can be just as bad as each other.
Unfortunately this does raise the question “What’s it like to live day to day without a clear future in mind” But that’s a question for another day.
As a footnote the only other thing I think, pray and hope for is a cure to become a reality to end this awful uncertainty and banish this Godforsaken disease forever.
Best wishes, Norrms and family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Norrms, your writing is extraordinary. I know I've said it before, but every time I read one of your posts it strikes me again. It is so thoughtful, so insightful, and so eloquently expressed, it's hard to believe that you have dementia.

I hope and prsy that you will see your lovely granddaughters married. Bless you all, Norrms.



Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Torquay Devon
I know

Thank you Hazel, its so hard for me to believe i have it as well at times, but unfortunatly have it i do but i intend making the most of what time i have left dedicating it to my wonderful family and raising awareness, hope you are as well as can be expected Hazel, best wishes, Forever your friends, Norrms and family xxxxxxxxx
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Registered User
Apr 28, 2009
Dear Norrms,

Yet another elegant post. You live each day as if it were your last and your deep love for your family shines through every word.

I truly hope you will walk your granddaughters up the aisle, none of us know what the future will bring.

Keep on fighting the good fight and know that we are all supporting you.

Much love to you and Elaine



Registered User
Apr 22, 2010
Upton Northamptonshire
Hi Norms were fighters arent we !
I guess I just live one day at a time but with long term goals in view I'd like to write a book guess I'd better get on with it I've got a few ideas in my head so really i ought to get a move on and do something about it :D
Hope youre doing ok with the diet this week why is it that I forget so many things but confront me with something I shouldnt eat and I remember I'm on a diet :D


Registered User
Jul 17, 2010
What of the Future??

Hi Norrms

You are such a hero to outline your thoughts this way. Here's rooting for you to walk those girls down the aisle. I hope you can keep up your campainging spirit and perhaps publish an anthology of your poems at some point and perhaps have the Alz. Society sell them, I for one would have one in a Xmas stocking and so would my Mum

All best to you and the family

Love and Light,



Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Torquay Devon
Thank you

hiya Serena, i might have a surprise for you regarding the poems in about a month, fingers crossed !! :D:D:D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Jan 4, 2006
''What’s it like to live day to day without a clear future in mind”

Hiya Norms...I read that statement, and I though 'well there are many people without dementia who also live that way'....maybe that comes from watching my parents dreams dashed when my mum started with dementia; or maybe from other life expreiences. Tomorrow holds no guarantees for any of us....enjoying the moment is not a bad way to live for any of us.

'my thoughts go to my children who are all grown up now and making their way in the world as they should, and as I think of them I grow a little taller as I am so proud of them all.'

Make sure that they know it Norrms. I hope that a cure is found for you, or that your disease progresses so slowly so that you will always know your children.....but one treasure that I have now is a scrap of paper on which my mum had written that she was proud of me and that she loved me...for the last 8 years of her life she was unable to tell me that.

'Will I be such a burden for my family?'
You are obviously much loved. Caring for children, caring for a partner, caring for a parent...they all bring their joys at times, but they also bring pain and heartache...two sides of the same coin I reckon...cant have one without the other.

With love and respect


Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Torquay Devon
Thank you

Thank you Helen, so well put, thank you for that i appreciated it so much, hope all is well today with you and your family, best wishes, Norrms and family xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
May 19, 2009
Hi Norrms
Glad to hear your fighting every second, or what would we all do without your beautiful writing and caring, you will always see your girls walk down the aisles, our loved ones never ever leave us really. I am so intrigued about your book/poems comment, can't wait to be told more.
Keep strong keep posting, cos I for one receive such hope and comfort from your posts.
Starshine x


Registered User
Jul 17, 2010
What of the Future?

hiya Serena, i might have a surprise for you regarding the poems in about a month, fingers crossed !! :D:D:D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hiya Norrms

Splendid news! I have fingers and toes crossed this end! Will watch this space.....

Love and Light, Serenaxxx


Registered User
Feb 19, 2009
Torquay Devon
Thank you

i might be able to tell you more in a couple of weeks, fingers crossed !! best wishes, Norrms and family xxxxxxxxxxxx

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