What a day!


Registered User
Mar 27, 2008
I went to my first Carer's Support Group led by the Alzheimers Society and it was great. I can't believe how it felt to be with real people who are carers for people with dementias. I was made to feel very welcome and I felt at home straight away. I thought of all of you.

Before this meeting I was at the hospital with Alan regarding his cataract operation(s). The doctor wanted to meet him to be sure Alan was consenting. The doctor talked that fast that I had a job understanding her and no way would Alan have any chance of catching a word of what she was saying. I didn't interrupt the flow though because I'd understood from Alan that he wanted it doing so I just told him to say "yes" to whatever she asked (and hoped she would ask the right questions). Hope you all don't think I'm too naughty!!:rolleyes: I have learned in my short time in all of this that if the system doesn't work for Alan, we will have to make the system work for him in whatever way is necessary!! I got the impression the last time that we were there that they would like to get out of doing the operation if possible because of expense and I put to them that if the operation needed doing it was better to do it now whilst Alan can follow instructions.

This afternoon has been busy with loads of little piddling things that needed sorting. Alan has been playing his guitar:):)
and now he is sorting out his fishing gear because hopefully his son is going to take him on Sunday.

Love to you all


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I`m so pleased you enjoyed the meeting Helen. It`s good to be among people who know and understand and don`t make trite comments, isn`t it.

As for the cataract surgery. Dhiren is now an unsuitable candidate for surgery. He wouldn`t be able to keep his eyes still under a local anaesthetic and a general would be risky. So Alan should certainly have his while the going`s good.

Love xx


Registered User
May 1, 2008
Dublin, Ireland
Dad, who is 91 now , had his cataracts done about 5 years ago at 86. He was so delighted with the results and couldn't stop looking at things like the roof or the trees that had been hard to see for so long. More than anything, that operation improved his quality of life then and it continues to do so now. Though he is not able to care for himself anymore, he will often still remember how wonderful "the doctor was who fixed his eyes". He had to pay for the operation but it was money so well spent. It would be so much harder looking after him if he couldn't see well. I would highly reccommend it as the improvement in quality of life is so enormous. He goes walking a lot and it is great that he can see where he is going.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2008
Hi Sylvia and HelenMG

Alan's cataracts are only minimal but the optician assured me there was no way of knowing how quickly these things can grow - it could take a few years, it could take a few months. I think they wanted to wait until Alan's vision was significantly impaired (including the optician) - I was not prepared to take the risk of waiting. I really do believe in keeping the best quality of life for as long as possible and I know that things are not going to get any better for Alan!

Thanks for telling me about your dad Helen because I have no personal experience of cataracts and no one I know has had this operation. Alan still enjoys reading (although not as he once did) and he keeps saying he has something in his eye.

One thing I forgot to mention, when we were waiting in the hospital reception, Alan kept going on about his teeth. I then realised he thought he was seeing the dentist:eek: When I told him it was about his eyes, he said "I didn't know". I'd been talking about it on and off all the way to the hospital!

Still, we just have to wait for 3 or 4 months they said.

Love Helen

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