Welcome To My World


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
I'm sure you have all experienced this situation or something similar but I thought I would share this one with you.

This morning I decided I really needed to tidy up the garden. OH said he would help (ha!). I was working away and he asked me what he could do. He is not able to do anything too complicated but I got the broom for him and asked him to sweep the path. He took ages just doing a small area but at least it kept him quiet. He then said his knee hurt so he needed to sit down. He leant the broom against the bench then sat down. I got on with the tidying then suggested we get the comfy chairs out and a cup of coffee and cake. When we sat down to the coffee the following conversation started:

OH: Is that our broom?
Me: Yes
OH: Where does it need to go? Does it go in the garage?
Me: Yes, but I need to finish sweeping the past first.

This conversation was repeated multiple times until eventually I got up, swept the path and put the broom further down the garden with the other tools to be put in the garage. I thought that would stop the questions. No!! The above conversation was completed a few more times.

It became cloudy so we decided to go indoors. We put the chairs back in the garage, OH handed me the two buckets with the garden tools to put in the garage. I couldn't help a bit of sarcasm (that was lost on him) and said 'it's OK, I'll get the broom'. 'Oh' he said 'I didn't realise it had to go in the garage.

Aaaarrrgggh!! Welcome to my world.

Please share any other similar incidents.


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
Oh my, that sounds so much like my life. Watches TV and gets bored but if I offer doing something that means work, I get ‘I’ll just go and watch tv’ and he stays put for a while. I use it to get a rest now, if you don’t want to watch that, we can do the garden - he’s off like a shot. We’ve been together over 40 years but I now feel like a single parent, learning to do things I’ve never done in my life. Good luck with it.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
I had many such conversations with my wife. Just when I thought "by George, she's got it" the whole thing would start again. Who does that dog belong to? He is yours. He is mine. He is not ours. How long is he staying? Can we keep him? Or variations on a theme.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
Oh that sounds like life in our house! If it isn't the broom it is the secateurs - of which there should be four pairs but some have been mysteriously lost (hidden) - "someone has stolen them!"- (dog ate my homework?) .... now I just sigh and go and do something else, it isn't worth the exhaustion of explaining time and time again. And then there is the TV remote... and his keys, glasses and wallet found in very strange places ("couldn't have been me, I would NEVER put them there").....


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Oh my, that sounds so much like my life. Watches TV and gets bored but if I offer doing something that means work, I get ‘I’ll just go and watch tv’ and he stays put for a while. I use it to get a rest now, if you don’t want to watch that, we can do the garden - he’s off like a shot. We’ve been together over 40 years but I now feel like a single parent, learning to do things I’ve never done in my life. Good luck with it.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2023
Oh my, that sounds so much like my life. Watches TV and gets bored but if I offer doing something that means work, I get ‘I’ll just go and watch tv’ and he stays put for a while. I use it to get a rest now, if you don’t want to watch that, we can do the garden - he’s off like a shot. We’ve been together over 40 years but I now feel like a single parent, learning to do things I’ve never done in my life. Good luck with it.


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Registered User
Oct 30, 2023
WAtching antiques roadshow, looking at a picture. OH says there is a very nice picture on the kitchen worktop, why haven't you hung it yet ? no idea what he is talking about. This is repeated several times until I say well go and fetch it to show me. He returns with an empty wine bottle saying, I painted this picture and you haven't put in on the wall, so I am going to put it somewhere safe. I still haven't found the bottle.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
WAtching antiques roadshow, looking at a picture. OH says there is a very nice picture on the kitchen worktop, why haven't you hung it yet ? no idea what he is talking about. This is repeated several times until I say well go and fetch it to show me. He returns with an empty wine bottle saying, I painted this picture and you haven't put in on the wall, so I am going to put it somewhere safe. I still haven't found the bottle.
Gosh ,another dementia!! Funny. Thankyou xx


New member
Mar 2, 2023
Yep, sounds familiar, we’ve had a couple of strange conversations in last two days, first was in the car as we were just leaving York and a woman crossed the road in front of us
me- oh dear that lady doesnt look very well, do you think drugs are the cause
wife- don’t know she’s quite old, could be that, she looks about sixty
me- oh ok, younger than me then, thanks for that lol
wife- no not your age, how old are you now
me- I’m 66 next month
wife- yes I know that but how old are you now
me- you tell me, if I’m 66 next month, how old am I now
wife- 63

second weird one was today sat in garden having a coffee, wife sat very pensive and I could see she was struggling with something
me- are you ok chuckie
wife- I’m just thinking, we‘ve only got one car between us now, haven’t we
me- yes we’ve only had one car since you stopped driving, why, do you want to go somewhere ?
wife- no, I’m just wondering how I’m going to get up to see you
me- see me where lovey, what do you mean
wife- on my days off ( she retired 6 years ago)I want to spend time with you but it’s not fair that you always have to drive here, unless you wanted to stay here, like move in, I really want you to stay here with me
me- I did move in lovey 40 years ago, so yes I’m staying here, not going anywhere
wife- really, do you mean it, thats brilliant, we can visit chapeltown ( I left chapeltown in Sheffield 40 years ago) you can show me all your favourite haunts
me- yeah ok chuckie, we’ll go one day soon
wife- yes I could really do with nipping to see my mum and dad next week as well
(her mum and dad died in 1998 and 1995)


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Fronk10 , my OH is always wanting to visit his parents too. His dad died 1985 ,mum 2002. He tells his friend, in the mirror, I'm mean because I won't take him🤣 he calls his "friend " the old man ". Doesn't realise it's him 🤣


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Mum always used to say she needed to get home as her parents would be expecting her home…..her look of relief and pleasure when I said I had let them know she was staying over with me was priceless 🥰🥰


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
second weird one was today sat in garden having a coffee, wife sat very pensive and I could see she was struggling with something
me- are you ok chuckie
wife- I’m just thinking, we‘ve only got one car between us now, haven’t we
me- yes we’ve only had one car since you stopped driving, why, do you want to go somewhere ?
wife- no, I’m just wondering how I’m going to get up to see you
me- see me where lovey, what do you mean
wife- on my days off ( she retired 6 years ago)I want to spend time with you but it’s not fair that you always have to drive here, unless you wanted to stay here, like move in, I really want you to stay here with me
me- I did move in lovey 40 years ago, so yes I’m staying here, not going anywhere
wife- really, do you mean it, thats brilliant, we can visit chapeltown ( I left chapeltown in Sheffield 40 years ago) you can show me all your favourite haunts
me- yeah ok chuckie, we’ll go one day soon
wife- yes I could really do with nipping to see my mum and dad next week as well
(her mum and dad died in 1998 and 1995)
This is almost identical to our conversations lately.

OH -do you want me to run you home?
Me - I'm at home sweet
OH - But your mum will be wondering where you are (parents died 30 years ago)
Me - No they won't. I've been living here for 40 years
OH - Have you? Are you sure?
Me- Yes, ever since we got married
OH - oh, are we married? Then I'm happy
me - I'm happy too. Does that mean I can stay?
OH - yes please.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
Yep, sounds familiar, we’ve had a couple of strange conversations in last two days, first was in the car as we were just leaving York and a woman crossed the road in front of us
me- oh dear that lady doesnt look very well, do you think drugs are the cause
wife- don’t know she’s quite old, could be that, she looks about sixty
me- oh ok, younger than me then, thanks for that lol
wife- no not your age, how old are you now
me- I’m 66 next month
wife- yes I know that but how old are you now
me- you tell me, if I’m 66 next month, how old am I now
wife- 63

second weird one was today sat in garden having a coffee, wife sat very pensive and I could see she was struggling with something
me- are you ok chuckie
wife- I’m just thinking, we‘ve only got one car between us now, haven’t we
me- yes we’ve only had one car since you stopped driving, why, do you want to go somewhere ?
wife- no, I’m just wondering how I’m going to get up to see you
me- see me where lovey, what do you mean
wife- on my days off ( she retired 6 years ago)I want to spend time with you but it’s not fair that you always have to drive here, unless you wanted to stay here, like move in, I really want you to stay here with me
me- I did move in lovey 40 years ago, so yes I’m staying here, not going anywhere
wife- really, do you mean it, thats brilliant, we can visit chapeltown ( I left chapeltown in Sheffield 40 years ago) you can show me all your favourite haunts
me- yeah ok chuckie, we’ll go one day soon
wife- yes I could really do with nipping to see my mum and dad next week as well
(her mum and dad died in 1998 and 1995)
That sounds so much like the conversation ( ramble) my piglet goes on with the change that i'm not tony(husband) I'm someone different ( haven't found out who yet). But the cars and where i live. It must be a very confusing place in her brain.


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
@Fronk10 , my OH is always wanting to visit his parents too. His dad died 1985 ,mum 2002. He tells his friend, in the mirror, I'm mean because I won't take him🤣 he calls his "friend " the old man ". Doesn't realise it's him 🤣
I often hear my husband talking to the mirror, complaining that I’m mean or sadly asking for help - again he doesn’t realise it’s the older him he’s talking to. I’ve taken most of them down.


Registered User
Mar 19, 2024
Oh my goodness, how familiar are these conversations. My Husband, every day wants to go home, try to tell him he is home. Reply - no I have to go home to Mum and Dad, ( they both passed away 5 years ago.) he packs his pyjamas, slippers and dressing gown, then walks out the door, (his Parents lived 25 miles away.) He doesn’t want me to go with him, so I follow discreetly, he sets off in the wrong direction! After about 20 minutes walk I catch up with him, asking where he is going, answer, I don’t know, so manage to persuade him to come home!


New member
Apr 10, 2024
it sounds like my wife.. She stands in the bathroom talking to herself in the mirror (she says it a young girl from round the corner..) Keep whispering when she comes out saying she does want her to hear that she is telling me what was said. I also get that she want to go and see her mum (mum died in 2022) as everyone is going to see her and leaving her here, if we talk it is now impossible to understand much of what she says and can take a long time to get to the issue... i am at the end of my tether as i cope with this on my own and only get to go out if i go shopping for 30mins.