We ended up at the NHS Walk in Centre


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
I had a lovely time out today with my daughter in law. Really relaxing and enjoyable. When I got home the sitter told me that Alan had been complaining that his leg was hurting. He told me yesterday that it was hurting so I rang the GP and was told to ring on Monday for an appointment that day. I felt that it would be ok to wait until Monday as I knew it came from a varicose lumpy area and it didn't look inflamed or anything to me.

Today, however, my d-i-l asked if she could view it and she said she thought that ringing NHS Direct would be a good idea as she thought it did look inflamed. Anyway a GP phoned me and told me to take Alan immediately to the walk in centre. We were seen pretty quickly (within 20 minutes) and she told us it was phlebitis and the treatment was antibiotics and ibuprofen which he now has. She told me to watch out for bowel movements as this medication could affect him!!! If you read this Pam, I thought of you immediately;)

Alan was treated wonderfully and we were back home and Alan had his first dose of medication - all within an hour:)



Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Thank goodness you didn't wait until Monday Helen. I'm glad it's all under control, and hope Alan doesn't have any side effects :D

Vonny xx


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Good that it was spotted early on and thank goodness for walk in centres.

I hope YOU and Alan are now ok. Jan

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Oh what a shock Helen. I`m so glad it was treated quickly and Alan is now on medication. Poor Alan. I hope there are no nasty side effects.
Love xx