Wanted: people involved in trying to change things


Registered User
Jun 17, 2009
People with dementia involved in trying to make a change

The Bradford Dementia Group at Bradford University are looking for 25 people across the UK who are interested in bringing about change or who speak out or campaign on issues which matter to them.

We are looking for a variety of people: it may be that you are involved in community events, or that you write letters to newspapers, sign petitions or speak out in public. Maybe you keep a ‘blog’, have volunteered your skills to get better services or are involved in campaigns on a local or national level.

Whatever your level of involvement, we are interested in finding out why you get involved and how your activities affect you, your family and your life in general. The project will take place from August 2009.

To volunteer you need to
- Have a dementia diagnosis
- Be interested in changing things, speaking out or campaigning
- Be prepared to talk to a researcher
- Be prepared to keep a diary for up to one month; you can keep a written, photo or audio diary - whichever suits you best

We are also looking for 5 people with dementia who are interested in ‘piloting’ the materials we are going to use to make sure we have got them right. The pilot will last 2 weeks and will take place in June/July 2009.

If you are interested in finding out more please email us on socialchange@bradford.ac.uk
or ring EJ on 01274 236 494 or Ruth on 01274 236 468


Registered User
Mar 23, 2005
Approved by Alzheimer's Society HQ

The message above has been approved by KatherineW at Alzheimer's Society HQ.

This project was recently advertised on the Alzheimer's Society's Alzheimer's Forum - the online magazine for people with dementia:


Take care,