Walking forever


New member
My brother has vascular dementia, and we cannot keep him in the house, he walks from morning till night. How do I keep him in the house. please any advice


Volunteer Host
Hi @RainBowGir1 , and welcome to Dementia Talking Point. My mother has vascular dementia and is also a walker. She is now in a care home and her mobility isn't good but she still wants to wander around. I was with her in A&E last week and had a difficult job to keep her from getting off the trolley.
Does your brother live alone or with family? Having to try and persuade him to stay in must be hard. I'm not sure I can think of anything that would really solve the problem as I know my mum's walking seems to not be for any particular purpose but that her brain won't let her settle One thing you could do is try and find someone to go walking with him. Age Concern have a help at home service that might be able to provide someone if they have a service in your area. Another idea is to see if there are any walking groups in the area you could take him to. That might tire him out, or maybe not. The other idea is to see if there is any anti-anxiety medication the GP thinks would be useful.
I'm sure other people with more constructive ideas will be along soon, but in meantime have a look around. The search bar at the top might be useful for finding threads on this and similar topics.


Registered User
My husband has Vascular dementia, he is a walker. He went into care this year. I couldn't keep him safe at home, he would wonder. He is 91 yrs old now, I was his carer for 12 yes, he has always been very fit, enjoyed walking and cycling, we both did. If u can find someone to walk with her it may help. I couldn't find anyone in my area to walk with my husband. I walked with him, we would come home, be in about 20 minutes, he would won't to go again, exhausting. Hope you can get help. All the best to you.